okay: I ran Setup.exe and told WinXP to update it's own installation. That did the trick. Matter of fact, Explorer itself seems to be working better now!
thanks to: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q257249
NEWS FLASH: you can "Extract to..." with ie6setup.exe
That will give you ie6wiz.exe, among other files WELL worth poking around in :)
ie6wix.exe /d:1
will give you the opportunity to download...
Thank you both for your time to answer.
I'm sorry to say, though, neither suggestion worked. "Address Bar" is checked, and the toolbars are unlocked. My start page would have no effect on the explorer toolbar on the desktop, but I went ahead and checked that too - nothing.
Okay: I *think* it's the ActiveX control that's missing.
Specifically, I can't put an Address Bar on my desktop tolbars, or get it to show up in either Windows Explorer or Internet Explorer. If I didn't have a good Netscape installation I'd be rabid by now, but as it stands I am merely annoyed...
Check out www.ThemeXP.org
Also: check out Resource Hacker (ResHacker) and investigate browseui.dll and shell.dll
XP sidebars appear to be reliant on XML, of all things! I have to wonder if they didn't get that idea from Netscape, and I don't care what anyone else says, I kinda like the little...
I'm not entirely sure that WinXP can do what you suggest... I suppose that one could write a script that placed a desktop.ini file in every folder, or perhaps (as would be more efficient) writing an add-in that extended the Folder file system object to refer to a template desktop.ini...
EXCELLENT link, rjkrash! I can even tell by the graphics that it's meant to work with WinXP! and, yes, you're right -counterintuitive though it may be, it is "desktop.ini", not "folder.ini". Thanks a million. I don't know how I missed that page.
Why on earth would you want to emasculate your WinXP system like this? I can understand why you might want to keep people out of the registry editor and system policies, but shouldn't that be possible from the User Accounts CPL? Isn't that what administrative privileges are there for? I do a lot...
Let's say, hypothetically, that I wanted to use an HTT file as a folder view. If WinXP does not support this, what would happen if I tried to run a copy of Explorer.exe from a Win2000 system under XP? Is there any way that could work?
Frankly, though, that's the only part of XP explorer that I...
The trouble with the help files is that they tend to focus on the things that are the least technical. It wouldn't be so bad, if the "Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base" feature in Help actually worked... Help has no idea what thumbs.db is, or folder.ini. It contains next to no...
yes, that usually is the case, but for example I've got a folder of mp3 files that includes some customized details settings that I have to reset every time. Could there be a [DetailsView] section in the folder.ini or anything handy like that? Something tells me the solution to...
I upgraded my system to WinXP a few months back, and I'm generally thrilled with it (upped from 98 - nuff said) but I really miss the ability to customize folders via HTT files. I know Win2000 has this feature... does anyone know how to enable it in XP?
While on the subject, does anyone know...
Just because someone ought to mention it, it is possible to export only a part of the registry. A nice idea, especialy when (as on my system) a complete registry export is upward of 60 megs. I've found the Branch/Key export feature useful for backing up particular sets of registry...
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