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Search results for query: *

  • Users: grwd
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  1. grwd

    mySql question (addSlashes?)

    Hummm... (Note to self: NOT a very friendly forum here.) PS: I forgive you - Frederico! But we just can't go on like this. I'm leaving you and won't be back. Bye! :)
  2. grwd

    mySql question (addSlashes?)

    Dearest Frederico... I appreciate your deepest concern for my experimental acedemic enlightenment. However, I would like to know the answer to my question PRIOR to messing with code that someone else wrote. Hense, the question. Your unsolicited response has not only served to leave my question...
  3. grwd

    mySql question (addSlashes?)

    Let's say $myData = "Let's party!" If code in a PHP form includes addslashes($myData) and $myData is inserted into a field of a mySql table... What ends up in the table? "Let's party!"? OR "Let/'s party!" OR ???
  4. grwd

    Website traffic analyzer with mysql backend?

    I'm looking for a website analyzer with a mysql back end that will allow me to run a query against the hits. Let's say - how many hits on the whole site (lots of pages) since July 1, 2003 and then display that on the front page of our website. Anyone know of anything like that, or something...
  5. grwd

    Sql error when user enter apostroephy - help!

    I have a PHP form that gathers user input which I store in a mySql table. A textbox gathers request data and places it in the var $request. I run the following query to store the entered data in the table: //Insert variables into table of previously selected DB. $query = mysql_query("INSERT...
  6. grwd

    How to prevent user from seeing data change in loop?

    (Using D5 and Paradox tables.) I have a group of cascading tables displaying the current record of table 1 in Edits, related records from Table 2 in a grid, etc... In my code I am doing a while loop through Table1 and doing queries within the loop. As the code runs, the user can see the Table1...
  7. grwd

    Is Possible 2 Sums from Same Field in 1 query?

    When Paradox came out it had a "Query by Example" engine built in, and only provided the most basic SQL capibilities. Evidently no IIF, no IF no CASE etc... (FYI: Booleans = True or False in Paradox.) I really appreciate your assistance. But since I couldn't gather what I needed using SQL I...
  8. grwd

    Need help to get data...

    I've never learned much SQL and I'm having some difficulty gathering the data I need for an important report. The problem seems to be that I have two sum()s on the same field based on if another field is True or false. I can get one value but not the other in one query. Plus if I get the second...
  9. grwd

    Is Possible 2 Sums from Same Field in 1 query?

    Hey guys, Thank for your help and comments. Unfortunately, I'm programming in Delphi using Paradox tables. (Sorry I didn't say so before. Evidently, It took the "Between" code but doesn't seem to like the IIF code. (Error: Capibility not supported!) I know that ties one hand behind your back...
  10. grwd

    Is Possible 2 Sums from Same Field in 1 query?

    Golom, Thank you for your response. Actually the two sums that I need to get are both Sum(Amount). One where TaxDed = True and the other where TaxDed = False. Select C.CustID, C.CustName, C.AddrFields, SUM(F.Amount) As DeductableAmount // SUM(F.TaxDed) As NonDeductableAmount...
  11. grwd

    Is Possible 2 Sums from Same Field in 1 query?

    I have a Customer table, a Donations table and a FundSplit table. Relationship: (Customer <->> Donations <->> FundSplit) Customer Fields: CustID, Name, ... (address fields) Donations Fields: CustID, DonationID, Date, ... FundSplit Fields: DonationID, Amount, TaxDed, ... What I am after is a...
  12. grwd

    OLE msWord Automation - How to open Print Dialog?

    In my D5 Application - When I click on a button I can start an instance of MS Word, open a document populate it with text, save it, print it to the default printer and close it.. But, how might I allow the user to access the MSWord FilePrint Dialog to select the printer to print to prior to it...
  13. grwd

    How do I use PHP vars within Javascript code ???

    In my PHP code: I have a var: $server = ''; How I do I use that var in the following JavaScript so that I don't have to hard code the server ip in it? -----------------snip---------------------------- <script LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;><!-- function OpnWindSize(w,h) {...
  14. grwd

    How do I call a function from anoth

    Zathras, That did the trick! I am a minister (not a programmer) programming a significantly large application by myself because I can't seem to find any skilled volunteers to help with it. Thank God for Delphi or it just would not be possible at all. And let me say thank God for people like...
  15. grwd

    How do I call a function from anoth

    How do I call a function from another Unit I have an app with a main form and multiple DataModules. In the Unit for the main form (MAIN), I have a generic function GetNewId (myTable, myFieldName). Each DataModule is listed in the Uses clause of MAIN. Main is listed in the implimentation...
  16. grwd

    How do I use Data Modules?

    I have a form with a dbgrid, memo and a button. (Unit = main) I also have a data module with a table (Paradox) and datasource. (unit = dm1) I want to do three things: 1. display contents of table in dbgrid. 2. on datasource.updatedata and datasource.change I want to update a concantinated...
  17. grwd

    ?A Correspondence Response Engine?

    I need to build (for the lack of a better name) a 'Correspondence Response Engine.' What it does: Allows us to rapidly create a response to incoming email correspondence. Many people ask the same questions. So we save our responses in a database table sorted by catagory catagory and...
  18. grwd

    Any recomendations for PHP/mySQL Shopping carts?

    I'm a PHP newby. I'm trying to find a PHP/mySQL Shopping cart that is EASY TO INSTALL and get running. It needs to calculate sales tax if <state> = CA as well as have some way to calculate shipping costs (non-arbitrary). Did I mention that it needs to be EASY TO INSTALL? I will 1st need to...
  19. grwd

    FORM ACTION=&quot;displayit.php&quot;... Not passing variables. Why?

    I have apache 2.0.35, PHP4, ... on a win98 server. I have an HTML form info.html: <BODY> <FORM ACTION=&quot;displayit.php&quot; METHOD=&quot;POST&quot;> Your first name:<BR> <INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;fname&quot; SIZE=&quot;20&quot; MAXLENGTH=&quot;30&quot;> Your last name:<BR>...

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