Thanks a lot all of you. I was able to solve the problem when I changed both the fields to the same datatype (one had int and other numeric ) .Also by changing my join type to "Greater than or equal to" the required results were acquired.
I am using Sql server(7.0).
I have created a simple table with numeric datatype and added the table to the report. I linked the Qty to newtable.field with a join type "<= ". Also in the record selection I used {table.qty}<={newtable.field}. Thou I am getting duplicate records. Duplication does not stop when...
How do I link the 2 tables (table,Replicator)? I don't see any common field. OR Do I just give a Sql statement
Select * from table, replicator
whereby {table.qty} <= {replicator.how_Many} .
Will it work? I am not good in SQL except familiar with few basic SQl statements.
I have a standard report designed from a single table. I have no grouping done to the report, It is a simple report with fields mostly in the detail sections (details have 7sections in them). I have a field (table.qty)which is a number and I need the record to be displayed say 5 times if...
Hi dgillz,
This is exactly what I want. X number of pages for book "ABC" and y number of pages for book "EFG"(depending on the number of boxes). The only problem is we do not have VB and the whole report is a Sql and crystal report. Is there any work around ?
If it is okay...
I am printing the same page, and I am specifing in the print dialog box 5 copies. Which means the page number is always 1.
The problem is like this Book "XYZ" has 10 boxes and I need to print 10 pages with Page 1 showing
and page 2 showing...
Well as I could not get duplicate labels thru, mail label format, I used a standard report to design my labels. I have about 14 labels in each page.
My Question is Suppose I print 5 copies of a page . I want the first page labels to Print
I am using crystal report(7.0) to print labels . I need to Print the same label depending on the quantity. (Quantity is a field in the table used in this report). After the required quantity is printed then it should move to the next record. Is there any way to it to program it to read the...
I am doing some crystal reports(version 8). I am trying to convert the retail price for a product if the customer is from CANADA. The formula I was supposed to use is (retail price/.63)rounded to nearest quater. It worked fine with retail price. Now I am trying to use the same formula to get...
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