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Search results for query: *

  1. MacLeod72

    xlSheet.get_range not there

    I'm not 100% sure, but I've never seen many underscores in a method name. Have you tried GetRange()? --Rob
  2. MacLeod72

    Converting unsigned number

    I believe this might be what you are looking for: Dim inputStr as String = "-0000000123456" Dim sign as String = inputStr.Substring(0, 1) Dim outputStr as String outputStr = String.Format("{0}.{1}{2}", _ inputStr.Substring(1, 11).TrimStart(New Char() = {"0"c}), _...
  3. MacLeod72

    datatable.select to find Null values

    You're right; I had cut-and-paste issues. The correct code is: foundRows = tdtReportPermissions.Select("PlatformID_F IS NULL AND RoleCD_F IS NULL AND ContactID_F IS NULL") Sorry! --Rob
  4. MacLeod72

    datatable.select to find Null values

    I believe you want: foundRows = tdtReportPermissions.Select("PlatformID_F IS NULL AND RoleCD_F = IS NULL AND ContactID_F = IS NULL") --Rob
  5. MacLeod72

    Append one datatable to another?

    Glad to help! --Rob
  6. MacLeod72

    Append one datatable to another?

    I have only used it to merge 2 datasets, but MSDN says that a Dataset, Datatable, or array of Datarows can be used. Here is the link (for .Net 1.1): http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.dataset.merge(vs.71).aspx Hope this helps! --Rob
  7. MacLeod72

    Append one datatable to another?

    If the 2 datasets are identical, you should be able to do: ds1.Merge(ds2) This should add the rows of "ds2" to "ds1". Hope this helps! --Rob
  8. MacLeod72

    Textbox autosize to fit the contents

    My mistake! I'm still half a cup of coffee away from that solution :-). --Rob
  9. MacLeod72

    Textbox autosize to fit the contents

    I don't think that you can assign each control to a textbox variable. You probably want something closer to: For Each c as Control in Me.controls If TypeOf c Is TextBox Then c.width = 400 End If Next This example will only set the width on textboxes within your...
  10. MacLeod72

    TM_6281 error on Sorted Aggregator

    I again apologize; I forgot to check the knowledge base. In case anyone else encounters this: Sorry! --Rob
  11. MacLeod72

    TM_6281 error on Sorted Aggregator

    I apologize; I forgot to mention that I am using Informatica 7.1.3. Thanks! --Rob
  12. MacLeod72

    TM_6281 error on Sorted Aggregator

    Good morning- I have created a session in which I have added an aggregator. When I select the "Sorted Input" property, I get the following error: When I de-select the "Sorted Input" property, it runs fine but it spends needless time caching my entire table to file. Does anyone know why...
  13. MacLeod72

    Filtering with nulls

    The problem is that when you filter using "like" or "IN" or equalities, NULLs aren't included. NULL is a special case in databases; in fact, NULL = NULL does not evaluate to true. When working with NULLs, you have to either specifically include them using the "IS NULL" phrase, or exclude the...
  14. MacLeod72

    Filtering with nulls

    Good morning- This should create the filter you need: DataView1.rowFilter = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", _ IIf("".Equals(TextBox3.Text), "", String.Format("Title Like '*{0}*'", TextBox3.Text)), _ IIf("".Equals(TextBox3.Text) Or "".Equals(TextBox4.Text), "", " Or "), _...
  15. MacLeod72

    Database not reading value from DateTimPicker

    I haven't had this problem personally, but I was able to find the following article: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/313513 HTH --Rob
  16. MacLeod72

    Spliting a csv file problem?

    You need to put a loop around your "sr.ReadLine()" command. You are only calling it once, so it only reads the first line. --Rob
  17. MacLeod72

    Locking A Record in SQL Server until you are done with it

    Is this value to be used as a primary key in another table? You might consider looking into using a column with the identity Property set to Yes. This will automatically increment for you. --Rob
  18. MacLeod72

    Bind Variable with Null value

    The issue may be that in SQL, NULL = NULL does not evaluate as true, but NULL. If dts_lab_val_txt is the issue, for example, the SQL should read like the following to compare nulls: SELECT dts_mbr_no FROM mbr_labs WHERE dts_mbr_no = :mbr AND dts_lab_id = :lab AND...
  19. MacLeod72

    Formatting Zero Values?

    Err...I meant String.Format ("{0:F8}", ds.somefld) --Rob
  20. MacLeod72

    Formatting Zero Values?

    I believe the following will format 0 correctly: String.Format ("{0:F8}", 0) --Rob

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