I have installed Mailgates popweasel demo version as per your advise.I have made one account in it,I want to know which popweasel routing settings will pull only those mails
realated to the created account,instead of pulling all addresses in TO/cc.......*for*....,and finally...
I will try to do that.What Router you are using for pulling of mails to MS Exchange Server.Presntly I am using POPBeamer 3.28,but it is a 30 day's demo version only.They dont have any reseller in India.Can you suggest me some other product,which is easily avalable.
I want to know about an option controllabe by MS EXchange Admin,so that a mail sent by client configured for mailbox A at exchange server is also sent to client configured for mailbox B without writeing in BCC.I want to control it through my exchange server so that User A will not...
I want to do this through MS Exchange Admin,so that client will not be able to add or remove this option.It will provide a cenralised control through exchange server.Do you think that is possible?
Is their any option in MS Exchange admin 5.5,so that if i send a mail from client which is configured for mailbox A on outlook express,a copy of it always received at some other client configured for mailbox B.In general wheather I can capture an outgoing mail from mailbox A at mailbox B...
DL acts as a receipient in exchange,i have created a DL named X in excahnge server then i made A,B and C as members of X.If i sent a mail to X it is disributed to A,B and C.I can configure A,B and C at client side through Outlook Express through POP3,but when i try to configure X it wants...
That i have already tried,it works fine for A,B,C receipients,they receive incoming mails for recepientX.But the problem with this exercise is that when you go to client system and try to configure X on Outlook Express it gives an error message that X must be a mailbox on exchange...
This is because of default option which remain checked when exchange is installed.
Try to do this,i thing it will solve your problem.
Open up the IMS Properties will find it in configurations/connections container in exchange admin.
Click on the Internet Mail Tab.
Click on Advanced...
I want to know about auto forwarding through Exchange Admin.
Is thier any option in Exchange 5.5 Admin to automatticaly forward all incoming mails for RECEPIENT X TO RECEPIENTS A,B and C.
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