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Search results for query: *

  1. ETasse

    upload problems -> file size

    1. You should take a look at your apache error.log, the PHP error should be there. 2. Check your PHP config file for max_execution_time, it's set to 30s as default, your session could be timing out. Big files may be exceeding any of these config items: post_max_size, upload_max_size and...
  2. ETasse

    Win32 COM ENUM members--how?

    Trying to get at the ENUM constants of a particular COM object (MQSeries Automation Classes for ActiveX). In the following example, I've had to define $MQOO_BROWSE $MQOO_FAIL_IF_QUIESCING as local variables, even though they are available as ENUM members in Visual Basic. $comMQ = new...
  3. ETasse

    ISQL output

    The option you want is -s column separator. Just insert a TAB character immediately following the -s on your command line. usage: isql [-b] [-e] [-F] [-p] [-n] [-v] [-X] [-Y] [-a display_charset] [-A packet_size] [-c cmdend] [-D database] [-E editor [-h header [-H hostname [-i...
  4. ETasse

    Reading Interfaces file

    Also check out http://www.outlands.demon.co.uk/sybase/ for more info
  5. ETasse

    Reading Interfaces file

    That's a TLI format: 0002 - TLI prefix, always 0002 12f2 - Listener Port (MSB) (4850) 92 95 67 47 - IP Address, (MSB) ( 0000000000000000 - padding bytes (Hope that listener isn't connected to the Internet ...
  6. ETasse

    Checking whether account is valid or not

    Wouldn't a simple outer join do the job ? UPDATE a,b SET a.status = "VALID" WHERE a.account_id = b.account_id AND a.account_id IS NOT NULL --- UPDATE a,b SET a.status = "INVALID" WHERE a.account_id *= b.account_id AND b.account_id IS NULL
  7. ETasse

    How to use copy using program?

    Many ways of doing this... The Win32 API : CopyFile() and CopyFileEx() will do it for ya The *nix world: Get a copy of GNU fileutils, and make a .LIB out of copy.h and copy.c and link to it. http://www.gnu.org/software/fileutils/fileutils.html
  8. ETasse

    basic_stringstream rounds large numbers?!

    Force the stringstream to never use floating point using the manipulator classes: #include <iomanip> sBuffer << setw(15) << setiosflags(iso_base::fixed) << dValue;
  9. ETasse

    side by side vector (stl) printing

    don't use for use a while: while ( (iterA !=A.end()) and (iterB !=B.end() ) { if (iterA !=A.end()) { cout << iterA; } cout << &quot; &quot;; if (iterB !=B.end()) { cout << iterB; } cout << endl; iterA++; iterB++; }
  10. ETasse

    My program does't work in dos mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MSVC6 cannot build a DOS program, only Win32. You'll need to use an older version (like MSVC4.2) that can build a DOS only executable. Also you can use DJGPP, a freeware C++ compiler, it can build a native DOS application with DPMI support. http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/
  11. ETasse

    Serial Mouse on PS/2 Connector

    The PS2/Serial 'converter' only reroutes the pins. The mouse firmware actually detects if it's connected to a serial or PS2 port. The KVM isn't smart enough to do that either. To get your KVM to work, all your PCs have to use either PS2 or serial mouse. You may be stuck using separate mice...
  12. ETasse

    CD-RW for CD-ROM: Last word??

    CD-RW (rewritable) media cannot be made compatible with older CDROM drives (rule of thumb: if the speed is less than 16X it probably doesn't support CDRWs)-- nothing can change that. As for compatible CD-R (write once) like you said, make sure to finalise the session. Even then, some really old...
  13. ETasse

    My Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro doesn't work on my new computer.

    Unfortunately, the older Sidewinder digital joysticks do not work at all with motherboards operating at bus speeds over 100mHz, like the ASUS based on the VIA KT266A chipsets. A workaround is to install the joystick as a regular analog CH Flightstick or Thrustmaster compatible, but you lose the...
  14. ETasse

    Exécution d'un programme &quot;fils&quot;

    Translation: I have a parent process on a floppy but I want to execute a child process which is on a directory of my hard drive, then return to the parent process. I am using: if (c=='0') err=spawl(P_WAIT,&quot;C:\service\t(c)1x10\prog\x_trans.exe&quot;,NULL); but several errors appear for...
  15. ETasse

    How do you search a field for a value, ex: search for &quot;a&quot; in Happy

    This code snippet does what you want: DECLARE @fullname VARCHAR(40) SELECT @fullname = &quot;John Doe&quot; SELECT RTRIM(SUBSTRING(@fullname,1, CHARINDEX(&quot; &quot;,@fullname))) 'first', LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@fullname, CHARINDEX(&quot; &quot;,@fullname)...
  16. ETasse

    copy/move file from NT to Linux/Unix box

    This is drifting away from a C++ question but here goes: either: - Install SAMBA on the Linux box and do FileCopy() API. - Use a C++ component to do an FTP transfer
  17. ETasse

    MQCONN and Visual Basic

    Use this snippet of code to popup a helpful error message: Dim MQsess As MQSession Dim MQmgr As MQQueueManager MQsess.ExceptionThreshold = 9999 ' Manual error handling Set MQmgr = MQsess.AccessQueueManager(&quot;MYQUEUEMANAGER&quot;) Select Case MQsess.CompletionCode Case MQCC_OK...
  18. ETasse

    Start/stop IIS using C++

    I'd say use the Service Control Manager APIs: hSCM = OpenSCManager( 0, 0, GENERIC_READ ); hService = OpenService(hSCM, &quot;Microsoft Internet Information Server&quot;, SERVICE_STOP|SERVICE_START ); boolResult = ControlService(hService...

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