Somehow you must get your drive to a point where it can read the CAB files.
These files are Normally located on the Windows 98 CDROM or on your HardDrive under the “Windows\Options\Cabs” folder.
(Example D:\WIN98 - all files in this directory)
Receiving an Error writing to your C: Drive is never good. 99.9% chance of complete hard drive failure is eminent.
Unless it is your IDE Controller, but probably your hard drive is about to give up the ghost.
Sorry for the news.
P.S. Get your cash back!
It really depends on how you use your computer.
For instance..
If it were my 20GB Drive, I would:
Format 25% (05GB) of the drive for the OS (WinXP) - (c:) NTFS/Fat32*
Format 75% (15GB) of the drive for the Storage&Backup - (D:) Fat32
Note on Partitions*:
NTFS is NOT accessable with a normal...
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