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Search results for query: *

  1. chrisrf

    Audio tracks after MPEG plays

    Rather than have manual fadeins, you can use this handler for each of your buttons: on MouseUp me sound(2).fadein go to YourMarker end Chris.
  2. chrisrf

    Cd-Plus or Stamped Multisession

    I use Ahead Nero burning software to do this. Not all CD burning software will let you produce Audio + Data CD's but those that do are usually pretty easy to use. Chris.
  3. chrisrf

    How can i see if there is any integer in a textbox?

    To check for an integer you can use: If CStr(Cint(textbox))=textbox Then 'integer in textbox End If Chris.
  4. chrisrf

    Verify if file is opened ???

    You can use this: On Error Resume Next Open YourFile For Input As #1 If Err.Number = 55 then 'file is open Else 're-close file Close #1 Next Chris.
  5. chrisrf

    video flashing in director

    In properties for the sprite, make sure preload is selected. Chris.
  6. chrisrf

    Print a castMember

    Sorry, my fault, it should be printFrom (not printForm) The printFrom command has several forms, to print just one frame: 1. printFrom frame 2. printFrom frame,reduction or for a range of frames: 3. printFrom start,end 4. printFrom start,end,reduction where reduction is the percentage to...
  7. chrisrf

    Print a castMember

    use a set frame to display just the castmember to print (say frame 100) then use: on mouseUp me printForm 100 end In your cast member's script Chris
  8. chrisrf

    Playing AVIs or MPEGs

    If you create your own buttons (play,stop, etc) then in their behaviour scripts put, on mouseup me set the framerate of member("your movie") = 1--change / --this no. for pause,rr,ff, etc end the stop button is a little different, on mouseup me set the...
  9. chrisrf

    Scrolling Credits

    You can't have made the alpha channel correctly. You need to select all, then goto select->save selection to save the selection as a new chanel (call this alpha). Then in the channels tab, deselect and hide the RGB channel so just alpha is selected. Now use the gradient tool to create a...
  10. chrisrf

    Scrolling Credits

    The only other way I know is using lingo, but the effect will not be as good. I use the method I gave earlier and never have a problem, so it should work OK. What result did you get? Chris
  11. chrisrf

    Scrolling Credits

    You need to create a .tiff image with the same width as your movie and which is the same colour as your background. It also needs to have an alpha channel with a gradient from top to bottom. Put this image at the top of your movie in a higher channel number than your text. When your text...
  12. chrisrf

    Adding hyperlinks in text

    You can use the PointToWord function to determine which part of some text has been clicked on. Example: if your text is "something something something my hyperlink something,etc.." then in your text's behaviour script:- on mouseUp me if...
  13. chrisrf


    Create the function in either the script that calles it or in a movie script. If you create the function in a movie script then you can call it from any script. If you write the function in a behaviour then it can only be called from within the same behaviour script. Chris.
  14. chrisrf


    Something like this: on MyFunctionName (myFirstParam,mySecondParam,etc..) --code goes here return MyReturnValue--this line is only neede if you want to return a value end MyFunctionName to call the function use: MyFunctionName (myFirstParam,mySecondParam,etc..) if there is no return...
  15. chrisrf

    Top/Bottom Justification

    Use this to replace a blank string with a Carrige return (new line) If Len(myString)=0 Then myString = vbCrLf
  16. chrisrf

    How To Make The Program Click The Left Mouse Button

    Use the mouse_event api: declare: Public Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Public Declare Function GetMessageExtraInfo Lib "user32&quot...
  17. chrisrf

    How do I update a score mathematically? HELP!!!!

    You can use a global variable to store the current score and update it (and your score box) to do this,add this event your your AddButton script on mouseUp global gScore gScore=gScore+1 member("yourScoreBoxName").text = string(gScore) end but remember to give gScore an...
  18. chrisrf

    Flash movie running slowly in director 8

    Thanks all, I've tried changing the frame rates but there is no real difference and using Flash 4 gives better results but is still slow. I think I just have too much movement in the flash movie so I'll probably have to change my design.
  19. chrisrf

    Can anyone explain this navigation script?

    I've added some comments which i hope will help property pSprite -- declare properties here property pSpeed property pMaxSpeed property pFriction property pRotateAmt on BeginSprite me --now set initital values for properties pSprite =...
  20. chrisrf

    Flash movie running slowly in director 8

    I have a movie made in flash 5 which runs fine in a browser, but is slow when put into director 8. Does anyone know why this is and how I can overcome this problem?

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