sorry ddiamond,
I got distracted from this problem by something else. I finally figured out what I originally wanted to do: Use an INSERT INTO statement to copy data from an Access database to an Oracle database. Therefore I don't need to worry about linking the databases together. Thanks for...
I am writing a small VB6 program to link an Oracle to an Access database to copy data from Access(my old database) to Oracle(the database I am converting to). I need to do this to test a full blown application that I am converting. I am trying to avoid using import and exports and going through...
Thanks, ddiamond. Its working with my old insert statements.
After I link the oracle database inside the access database I just treat the oracle tables as if they were access tables.
I had two goals. One was to continually reload Oracle with data from an Access database that I have different versions with different test data to verify that my application is working correctly. My second goal is to eventually have a test version of the database to use in modifying my...
I sorry but I am not familiar with the Response.Write. Is this for debugging purposes in VB? I did kind of suspect that the problem is the in '" & strAccessDBPath & "'" part. I know that I can select the data from Access and then loop through the result writing the data into Oracle but I was...
I am new to Oracle and in the processes of converting an Access database into Oracle. I currently have a VB6 program that opens an ADO recordset using the following SQL statement:
strSQL = "insert into foreman_data(radio_number,foreman_name,comments) select radio_" & _
I have tried the following but it returns 0 records for all phone_log records:
"(select " & strFieldList & " from phone_log where " & _
"(phone_log.feeder_number='" & strFeederNumber & "') " & _
"and not exists (select " & strArcFieldList & " from " & _
"arc_phone_log where...
I noticed after trying the query that you gave me that it retrieves the data in a left join minus the data from the inner join but I also need the query to retrieve records in the phone_log file that does not exists in the arc_phone_log file for a particular feeder number. Thanks in advance for...
I have two tables: phone_log -- stores incoming phone calls; arc_phone_log -- archives phone calls. This is for an emergency utility outage application. The phone calls are based on feeder number which is the utility line that the caller is located at. This application is in VB6 and the database...
I want to copy a directory to the path that my application is installed and I see no way to include directories when using the package and deployment wizard.
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