foxup: Do you use VFP 9 or VFP Advanced? Second is driver type You can verify if you have the correct driver by running printmanagement.msc and navigating to Custom Filters -> All Printers. - Column "Driver Name" contains driver which printer use. - Custom Filters -> All Drivers: Show column...
Note... DEVMODE struct has a member dmDriverExtraData - This field can contain implementation-specific printer driver data. Its size in bytes is specified by the dmDriverExtra field. This binary data not possible share between printer drivers.
Hi, Detail band, in your report, has height 50.8cm. This is very long band. You must split detail band to more detail bands or detail band with more temporary groups. How you want print band with height 50.8cm to A4 paper?!?
From help... To prevent a control from being created, return false (.F.) from the Init event. The Destroy event will not be triggered. For example, the following code returns false (.F.) if the Invoice table is not available:
ERROR 'Initialization...
If band's height is greater than 22", you get error 1298 "Detail 1 band is too large to fit on page". This is not VFP limit, but Windows limit. That's all.
Data type Range Range expression Storage
bigint -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 -2^63 to 2^63-1 8 bytes
int -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 -2^31 to...
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