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Search results for query: *

  1. webowner47

    How to Open Port in Windows Firewall using C++ Builder?

    This the code i found in Stack Overflow but in Delphi not C++: uses SysUtils, ActiveX, ComObj, Variants; procedure AddExceptionToFirewall(Const Caption, Executable: String;Port : Word); const NET_FW_PROFILE2_DOMAIN = 1; NET_FW_PROFILE2_PRIVATE = 2; NET_FW_PROFILE2_PUBLIC = 4...
  2. webowner47

    How To Use Secondary TForm As Screenshot Capture Area?

    Hello, I'm using the code below to capture desktop screen, but the problem is that the screenshot is taken from the MainForm, and i want to take it from the Secondary TForm instead: TBitmap* __fastcall TCaptureContainer::CaptureImage() { HDC hdcDesk; try { this->bitbmp->Width =...
  3. webowner47

    to synchronize or not

    As far as i know that GUI is not thread safe, so if you're planing to update the GUI you have to use Synchronize() function in the thread.
  4. webowner47

    Problem With Indy TIdTCPClient Reading Thread?

    I created a thread for continuously reading from the TIdTCPServer, but it blocks all my client form, after a moment will go not responsive. Maybe the problem with the way i created the thread, anyway here is my code for the thread...
  5. webowner47

    Need Help Including header files?

    i currently using c++Builder 10.1, the errors are: undefined reference from '*****/****/***/***/unit1.obj'
  6. webowner47

    Need Help Including header files?

    I tried relative path and full path always end up with same errors, but other compilers works fine.
  7. webowner47

    Need Help Including header files?

    hello, i'm using c++ builder for a quite some time now, i'm having problems including files in order to use some apis like "PcapPlusPlus" for network sniffing, the problem is when i successfully put my files in the project directory and include them, it always show me 100 thousands of errors...
  8. webowner47

    How To Get The Base Address with c++?

    OK, now i understand, thank you :)
  9. webowner47

    How To Get The Base Address with c++?

    Thank you, but i already found the solution, the problem is i get the base address of my application module, but when i go ahead to display in label i forgot to convert the DWORD value to HEX. Now i get the desired results. Still, how to write to process memory with offsets, because i already...
  10. webowner47

    How To Get The Base Address with c++?

    hello i want to get the base address of my application, so that i can write to it's memory, here is my code below: DWORD dwGetModuleBaseAddress(TCHAR *lpszModuleName, DWORD ProcessID) { DWORD dwModuleBaseAddress = 0; MODULEENTRY32 ModuleEntry32 = {0}; HANDLE hSnapshot =...
  11. webowner47

    How to use SQL SERVER database without Microsoft SQL SERVER Management Studio

    sorry for late response, but you didn't understand my question. I need some kind of trick to use SSMS database without the installing the client. or if there is any kind of other solutions to use instead of SSMS.
  12. webowner47

    How to use SQL SERVER database without Microsoft SQL SERVER Management Studio

    Sorry for Less Details, what i exactly want is to "Query Data" from already created database without installing SSMS in the user Machine. For Ex: the user install my application on his/her Computer machine and use it without the need to install SSMS. Also my databases could reach 50 GB in size.
  13. webowner47

    How to use SQL SERVER database without Microsoft SQL SERVER Management Studio

    Hello, Does anyone know how to use SQLSERVER database without Microsoft SQL SERVER Management Studio? because i saw tons of applications don't use the database client. can any one help me?
  14. webowner47

    How to write to Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    thank you so much, now i no longer see that error, also the Registry update values thanks for your help :)
  15. webowner47

    How to write to Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    I forgot to post the Error sorry :), I'm getting this message "Failed to set data for 'EMPD'", Also the key already Exists. By the way, the "KISKey" reads the Registry key value, the problem is when i write to 'EMPD' not when reading, the error comes from this line: KISReg.WriteString('EMPD'...
  16. webowner47

    How to write to Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

    hello, i'm trying to store application Code in the Registry HKLM, but i cannot write, the weird thing is that i can read anything in this Registry Root which is HKLM, but problem is in writing o it: this is my code: var KISReg : TRegistry; KISKey : string; RandNum1,RandNum2,RandNum3 ...

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