Thanks for the reply!
I tried this and got it
Select agreport
Set Order To cref1
Do Case
Case This.Parent.chkValue.Value = 1
SET FILTER TO !(totday < 1.00 AND totday > -0.99)
Set Filter To
Go Top
Note: I want the value which should be greater than 1.00...
I want to calculate time difference in minutes as follows:
a=DATETIME() && {13/01/2020 02:38:15PM}
b={13/01/2020 02:19:15PM}
The answer is 20 minutes, and the value of "c" is 1116.
Please suggest.
Thanks Mr. Mike for the reply!
No, No I want to attach that excel file which is shown in image, just to check the formula for your reference and which I want to apply in my program.
Can I derived it from SQL Syntax.
How can I calculate the moving average value of a particular item which purchased multiple times.
Please let me have some idea how to calculate the figure in Red.
The Arrow mark shows the field name.
I want to attach excel file. How can I do so?
Thanks Mr. Olaf
I will use this instead of:
mJono = 'JO118214'
mRollno = 'RO'+subs(mJono,3,8)+'A'
Only in printing section, "JO118214" is mandatory. We have to use it just to create the Roll No. and then in the rest entire process "Roll No." will be used.
The Record will not be deleted...
Great Mike [thanks]
cString = LEFT(nNew, 8) + CHR(65 + totrec)
Exactly I was looking for that
I don't want increment in numeric field ("RO"+118214+"C"), it is fixed. Only the last letter which is from "A to Z"
The length I want to keep it 15 character. Because this is first stage. I...
I did something like this:
mJono = This.Parent.txtJono.Value
Select tmpRoll
Count To totrec
Do Case
Case totrec = 0
mRollno = 'RO'+Substr(mJono,3,8)+'A'
Case totrec = 1
mRollno = 'RO'+Substr(mJono,3,8)+'B'
Case totrec = 2
mRollno = 'RO'+Substr(mJono,3,8)+'C'...
Thanks Mr.Mike for the reply.
I usually do the same which you explained. But it is slightly different case. It is character field in the last.
And, I want to generate A,B,C,D and so on...
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