I have the following code for reading and searching for string in saved .msg files:
Set ol = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim strSearchFor
strSearchFor = "Ex date:"
For Each f In fso.GetFolder("\Test mail").Files
Hi and thank you!
The purpose of joining the data is of prep-work character, and will be used in another program. My job is to provide the data from my system.
The number of workbooks is 13 and they all have headings.
Column A and B in each separate workbook are all related where "Date" is in...
I have several excelfiles containing data in column A and B.
I would like to have a vbs script joining all of them in a summary file, so that first file goes into column A and B. Next excel file column go into C and D and so on.
Thankful for any help
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