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  1. mydocpro

    Send Mouse Clicks to IE (... Like oWSH.SendKeys() sends keys)?

    Thanks Mike, I will keep trying (most IE dropdown lists respond to <enter>, this is more of a dropdown browser ('guised as a dropdown list) Utmost thanks/blessings! Philip
  2. mydocpro

    huge .exe file size

    (per Olaf and Mike) I now: 1) Regularly double-click on each class (root) (...under Cls in project manager. (which opens class browser for that class)) 2) Click the "Clean Up Class Library" tool-bar button for each class 3) Build the project exe once more. Utmost blessings!
  3. mydocpro

    Send Mouse Clicks to IE (... Like oWSH.SendKeys() sends keys)?

    Thanks Mike, I may be able use an IE dom workaround with this. So I gather sendkeys() cannot send a mouse click, especially in Chrome. Utmost thanks/blessings, Philip
  4. mydocpro

    Send Mouse Clicks to IE (... Like oWSH.SendKeys() sends keys)?

    ... I would like to open a drop down list which seems to require a mouse click ... oWSH = CREATEOBJECT("wscript.shell") oWSH.AppActivate("Google Chrome") && assumes Google Chrome is running oWSH.SendKeys('{TAB}') && tab to a dropdown list ... but to drop it down seems to require a mouse click...
  5. mydocpro

    Using Shell to Open Windows Explorer: iPhone Path for Photos

    GriffMg, Thank you for your creative thoughts. CD and Getdir() both fail to navigate to iPhone in VFP 9 (Win10). Interestingly, Getfile() does navigate the Win10 directory hierarchy. So I'd expect a Shell command to do the same. So if I pull up an iPhone file, Getfile() -->...
  6. mydocpro

    Using Shell to Open Windows Explorer: iPhone Path for Photos

    Mike and all: lnCode = ShellExecute(0,"Open","\\ROG\iPhone\Internal Storage\DCIM\108APPLE","","",1) &&ROG = mycomputer IF lnCode <= 32 && error MESSAGEBOX(lnCode) ENDIF lnCode = 3 "The specified path was not found." lnCode = ShellExecute(0,"Open","Iphone","","",1) IF lnCode <= 32 && error...
  7. mydocpro

    Using Shell to Open Windows Explorer: iPhone Path for Photos

    Griff: ShellExecute(0,"Open","\\mycomputer\iphone","","",1) fails for some reason ShellExecute(0,"Open","\\mycomputer","","",1) ... succeeds Poor man's workaround: PROCEDURE iphoneExplore oWSH = CREATEOBJECT("wscript.shell") * Do WindowToSearcherOpen With "dpw","c:\dpw" && problems *DECLARE...
  8. mydocpro

    Using Shell to Open Windows Explorer: iPhone Path for Photos

    This fails to open explorer to see iphone photos: Declare Integer ShellExecute In shell32.Dll Integer hndWin,String cAction, String cFileName,String cParams, String cDir, Integer nShowWin cFileName = "explorer" cAction = "open" cPath = "iPhone\Internal Storage\DCIM\108APPLE"...
  9. mydocpro

    How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network with VFP9 ?

    Atlopes: I tested your astonishing code (which I would have used) ... but after experimenting, I discovered it to be consistently lagging ... 1 to 1.5 seconds ... compared to my 'desperado' routine ... which consistently lags up to 0.5 seconds (via a Dell XPS15 I7 ssd): DECLARE INTEGER...
  10. mydocpro

    How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network with VFP9 ?

    Thank you Olaf: DIRECTORY("\\ServerUser1"); that command also took about 2 seconds when DIRECTORY("\\ServerUser1") = .F. (nonexistent on network) I will probably prefer your original encouragement that led to: ShellExecute(0,'open','cmd', '/C net view > c:\temp\netview.txt','',0) ... which...
  11. mydocpro

    How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network with VFP9 ?

    Solved my friends! Thank you for helping me work it through professionally, ... And for your excellent thoughts, JRB. My problem is 90% solved (praise God) (per my last post). Albeit, if further results become significant, I'll try to post the specifics for all to benefit. (Basic VFP coding...
  12. mydocpro

    How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network with VFP9 ?

    ShellExecute(0,'open','cmd', '/C net view > c:\temp\netview.txt','',0)[hourglass] (Emulating Olaf (above) and Zia Mughal https://pclandpk.blogspot.com/2014/05/how-to-hide-black-run-window-in-vfp.html?showComment=1475388655112#c1261684761801184455) ... this may also require a sleep() pause after...
  13. mydocpro

    How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network with VFP9 ?

    Exceeding thanks Olaf and JRB! Yes, it is "Users on your Workgroup/Domain" ... to synchronize Data tables, via VFP if feasible. Below is 'awkward' coding (too many if-then conditions) to 'discover' appropriate "cNetworkDataDirectory"s to sync with the HomeCompDirectory: cNetworkDataDirectory=""...
  14. mydocpro

    How to See Who’s Connected to Your Wi-Fi Network with VFP9 ?

    Typing "Net View" in Command Prompt... ... (leads to): But, might there be a way to 'capture' this in 'myVFP9.app'? ... To obtain the list of computers connected to your WIFI Network ("\\INSPIRON","\\XPS15", etc.) ... unto a table-cursor or something? The ultimate goals are: (1)...
  15. mydocpro

    Filer class has a bug or I'm missing something

    Thank you Dennis, Mike, and Olaf. Apologies for late response (work) After pondering on Olaf's URL-site and Dennis' excellent work-around; I launched Dennis' code) (ssd, I7, 250GB drive, vfp9, (print on)) with 'command prompt' results: 1) About 19 seconds on 1st trial searching for *.bmp...
  16. mydocpro

    Filer class has a bug or I'm missing something

    Thank you for pioneering with this form of recursion. I starred your routines because I hope I might now perhaps be able to replace my (extensive) ADIR() recursions with your excellent routines. Based on your results (so far), Dennis, Olaf, Mike, Atlopes, may I ask you. 1) Do you now...
  17. mydocpro

    Calendar Control

    FWIW, I have used Craig Boyd's 'tiny' Calendar Control extensively in my apps: It has been ideal for drop-down lists (during mouse-over), color and font selections (based on scheduled entries), non-obrusiveness, etc. Also, I re-downloaded it from your URL, and clicked the "vfpcalendar.exe"...
  18. mydocpro

    Filters and Grids

    3 words set filter to Utmost blessings! (EDIT: Profuse apologies! I oversimplified and did not fully read/comprehend. Please disregard the above.)
  19. mydocpro

    Synchronization of 2 grids - horizontal scrolling makes 2nd grid out of sync

    One way might perhaps be within the "resize" event of grd1. myform.grd2.height=this.height myform.grd2.width=this.width Utmost blessings!
  20. mydocpro

    Design Time Macro(simulation of keypresses) For executables

    Utmost apologies ... if this is off topic: If macros become hazardous (non-bulletproof) for you, possibly consider the hazardous (Window's) sendkeys() method instead (i.e, http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1619165 (per Mike and Olaf and others)). oWSH = CREATEOBJECT("wscript.shell")...

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