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Search results for query: *

  1. homesick

    Subscript out of range....

    My ColIndexes are all fine.....when i have... For R = 0 To grid.Rows - 1....it sums fine but will give me the error when there are no records showing in the grid.....when i change it to... For R = 0 To grid.Rows 0 - 1...it shows "0" when there are no records displayed in the...
  2. homesick

    Subscript out of range....

    I have a function that totals columns from a grid and displays the amounts in a textbox....it works great when there are records found but if the user clicks on the "total" button with no records i get the error "subscript out of range"...i want it to display...
  3. homesick

    How to create msgbox

    The first issue is solved.....THANKS... as for the second issue....it works but now it won't sum....basically....i have 4 textboxes that grabs totals from a Grid with 4 corresponding buttons....my last button sums all the totals into a grand total into a label...it works with my previous code...
  4. homesick

    How to create msgbox

    Here is my code that allows user to search for records by Name and Date...records found are displayed in the Grid.....if user enters nothing then it prompts use to enter something....i guess the queston is....How do i let the user know there is no current record found or if that they must enter...
  5. homesick

    Using an input box to search for info from an MSFlexGrid

    Hey...just wonder if anyone new how to use an input box to search for and display information in a Grid? Here is what i'm trying...it worked in the change event, but i thought it might be easier for the user to use a button...so i wanted to use the click event for an input box...here is what i...
  6. homesick

    Textbox or Label that shows $ value

    It formats it ok.....but now it won't sum the textbox amounts into my label...... here is part my code.....any suggestions? Private Sub Command22_Click() Text1.Text = TotalColumn(MSFlexGrid1, 12) Dim amount As Single amount = Text1.Text Text1.Text = Format(amount, "currency") End...
  7. homesick

    Textbox or Label that shows $ value

    How do i default a textbox and or Label to show a $ value when a calculation is perofmed? Curretn;y just the number appears but i want it to be shown in dollars. Can anyone suggest anything?
  8. homesick

    Arranging records in Alphabetical order in MSFlexGrid

    Thanks Will but I already have it grouped by name and date with these sql statements... 'under my combo5_change Select * from tracker where aname = ' " &combo5.text &" ' and date = ' " &text2.text& " ' " 'under my Text2_change Select * from tracker where date = '...
  9. homesick

    Arranging records in Alphabetical order in MSFlexGrid

    OK...it works but it's not exactly what i want.....the records are currently appearing grouped by name and date but as each group appears(enabled by a command buton) i want them to appear in alphabetical order...eg. 3 rows of "Mary Dec 12", 4 rows of "John Dec 13" with a list...
  10. homesick

    Arranging records in Alphabetical order in MSFlexGrid

    i tired to use the ORDER BY aname but it doesn't work.....am i missing something? Here is my code..... Public Function DisplayRSGrid(rs As DAO.Recordset, Grid As MSFlexGrid, Optional Form As Form) Dim fld As DAO.Field On Error Resume Next Screen.MousePointer =...
  11. homesick

    Arranging records in Alphabetical order in MSFlexGrid

    thanks for the help but it doesn't work....
  12. homesick

    Arranging records in Alphabetical order in MSFlexGrid

    I have an MSFlexgrid that displays records based on Names and Dates. I was just wondering if there is anyway the user can view or scroll through each set by alphaetical order. Also, does anyone know how the records in MSFlexgrid are arranged? here is my code... Public Function...
  13. homesick

    create a function to SUM a column in a MSFlexGrid

    working BRILLIANTLY!! thank you... simon
  14. homesick

    create a function to SUM a column in a MSFlexGrid

    it was actually my TotalColumn = Total....i misspelled "column"....working good....but now i'm sometimes getting "Overflow" error...looks like the number might be too large...any suggestions?
  15. homesick

    create a function to SUM a column in a MSFlexGrid

    Almost there but now it's returning a value if "0"....calculation doesn't seem to be working...
  16. homesick

    create a function to SUM a column in a MSFlexGrid

    Thanks for the help but it doesn't seem to be working....it gives me the error "Compile Error: ByRef argument type mismatch" ....what does that mean?" Private Sub Command22_Click() Text1.Text = TotalColumn(FlexGrid, 15) ' 15 is my column i would...
  17. homesick

    create a function to SUM a column in a MSFlexGrid

    Season's greetings all!! Just wondering how i would create a function to sum a column in a MSFlexGrid? I wanted to have a coomadnbutton to perform the function and a textbox to display it. Is this possible and can anyone help? simon
  18. homesick

    Enabling a button depending..

    Mike: Nothing seems to happening..this is what i have: "comb1 is where the prod codes are and text8 is where the dollar amount should be entered 'check value against a list of values requiring a dollar amount 'return True if dollar amnt is required, false if not Function...

Part and Inventory Search
