No, the dots do not stop for spaces between the words. If the text is centered on the page, the dots begin at the left margin and then end at the last character of text for that line. I will give the data window a try later this morning. I did do a hex dump of the printcapture report to the...
Yes, when highlighted it also prints the dots. But if I choose playback and select the captured file it doesn't print the dots. I tried the three different options in the connection directory for the captured file. I'm using zmodem, vt-100, 7E1 or 8N1, it all produces the same results.
Shading may be the wrong description. It's actually 5 small dots, in a column that runs for the entire row whereever text is displayed and the text is printed over the dots. If there is a blank line, the dots do not display.
hope this helps..
ProComm 4.8/Win2000, Panasonic KX-3626 Dot Matrix using KX-1624 or KX-3626 driver.
I upgraded both ProComm 4.7/Win95 to the above. We run about 12 scripts that use capture and printcapure statements. After the upgrade, the majority of the scripts now add shading where there is text...
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