Hello, could somebody kindly help me with a strange problem with the CDR / SMDR in MCD cluster?
There are a cluster of several MCD's with a single gateway to gsm provider located on "central MCD".
Calls from remote MCD passes by Direct Ip routes to the "central MCD" and overlook the gsm network...
I'm undestand that design is not quite correct, but cant see alternatives for task I've got. I'm new in Mitel, and VoIP.
Need to terminate incoming call to voice greeting and if none of DN was enttered, reroute it to operators phone.
I can apply mesage to VM port and config a VM Hunt Group...
kwbMitel, thnx for reply.
Operator is 5340 Mitel phone.
Anyway problem with MOH on reroute is solved. The problem was in embedded audio sources - there were no system MOH.
I've applied audio file to source ID 1 and configured it as "MOH", but the "system MOH" (source ID 0) was not configured...
I'm trying to config RAD Hunt group as greeting message for incoming calls on vMCD.
Have a problem with handling Hunt Group's reroute to extention.
1) Incoming call hits to RAD Hunt Group
2) After RAD message is plyed call is rerouting to ext. 1030 (operator)
Problem: While reroute is...
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