NoHandle,<br>thanks again.<br>I finally dropped the ".worksheet01" out of the workbook name, which then gave me:<br>appExcel.Workbooks.Open "c:\reports\march00.xls"<br>It now accesses the workbook and I need to figure out code to address each worksheet in the workbook,( there...
NoHandle(one more time)<br>I edited the typo, but I get the VB error '1004' when I try to run. It says that the file "c:\reports\march00.worksheet01.xls" can not be found.<br><br>I Know it is there and spelled correctly. I understand your code now, just can't...
I can not figure out why this won't work. It must be something very simple.Option Explicit<br><br><br><br>Private Sub Command1_Click()<br>Dim i As Integer, j As Integer<br>Dim aryExcel()<br>Dim appExcel As Excel.Application<br>Set appExcel = New Excel.Application<br>ReDim aryExcel(7...
Nohandle:<br>Thanks for the response. I tried the following:Option Explicit<br><br><br><br>Private Sub Command1_Click()<br>Dim i As Integer, j As Integer<br>Dim aryExcel()<br>Dim appExcel As Excel.Application<br>Set appExcel = New Excel.Application<br>ReDim aryExcel(7...
I have tried many like:<br><br>SELECT [A53:G78] FROM "c:\Reports\March00.Worksheet01.xls" <p>Dewey Davis<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Elementary but i am trying to do the following:<br>From an Excel 2000 file "c:\reports\march00.worksheet01.xls", I need to load into a simple array in VB6 the grid of "A53:G78" so that I can strip some data out. <br>I am somewhat lost and confused. I can create a connection...
try to explain further.. my form is a datasheet, and when it first opens, you get the query date (where i would like to have the mask, without the slashes. Once the form is opened and displayed( approx 4000 records, we then sort or find on a particular field. Each time, it...
Doug, that is what I am doing now. Why i would like the mask is that you do not have to input the <p>Dewey Davis<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>
When I open a form for the first time, I want the Mouse to be at a certain location, so that the ToolTipText becomes visible immediately. I know this must be simple, but I have never needed to do this before.....I have looked in many VB books, and can't get an answer....Any help would...
Is there a way to set a Input Mask "__/__/__" in the Enter Parameter Box at the start of a Query Throughout the forms, you can, I have been looking and can find no answer, maybe someone knows for sure... thanks in advance for reading this <p>Dewey Davis<br><a...
Thanks for all the help... I'll keep "puttering" with it.. <p>Dewey Davis<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>
this may be easy but i've missed it...<br>
I am using the query criteria to input 2 dates via the parameter screen, which are [start date], [ending date]. The query runs fine, but I can not figure out how to get these dates set to a variable to print on the form in a label or textbox...
It may be elementary to add but your might look at:<br>
"<A HREF=""" TARGET="_new">"</A>;<br>
This told me what I needed to know to make VB6 and...
Using the Adodc control I have an ACCESS 2000 table, that I have connected to and view in VB6. It is 4500 rows long with 14 columns wide. In MSHFlex Grid they call the columns bands.<br>
My problem is that one of the columns(or bands)(column 12 or band 12 named "ScaleAmt") is .40, but...
I have an ACCESS 2000 db, where I have 4000 recordsets with 13 fields, one field is the date entered, which DATA TYPE is set to Date/Time. In Access I can sort by this Date field, and use the BETWEEN parameters fine.<br>
When I use VB6 code and load a form in the MSGrid from this database...
When I use the parameters in the QBE grid of 'Between [start date] and [ending date], I can pass to the reports these dates to print on the report, using the [start date] and [ending date] as the variables to print. When I try to pass these variables to a form, I get Name?. Somewhere I am...
Any suggestions on an addin, to make VB6.0 print to paper a lot easier. i do a lot of hard copy print outs, and the printform just doesn't give me what i need... thks <p>Dewey Davis<br><a></a><br><a href= > </a><br>
I have ACCESS 2000 running a form, that the first text box calls for the date, which is formatted and masked. However at each session I may enter 200 forms in this db. I would like for the next form to remember the date from the previous form. This would save numerous keystrokes daily. maybe...
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