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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. MNClimber

    IIS6 not hosting asp pages

    Ryan, In IIS have you enabled the ASP Server Extension?? It's set to prohibited by default I believe. Mike
  2. MNClimber

    VS2005 TreeView Problem

    There isn't a built in "RunQuery" method. I'm guessing you're looking at MS help?? You have to define that method yourself. A quick search I found this example in the treenode help: DataSet RunQuery(String QueryString) { // Declare the connection string. This example uses Microsoft...
  3. MNClimber

    Table & Paragraph

    Have you tried to specify the desired width of the table in the tag?? <TABLE width="123px"> blurb </TABLE> You can use % instead of a set width also.
  4. MNClimber

    Only my XP Users are Getting Error 403 - Forbidden..

    I'm having the same problem on any of my intranet sites that have &quot;Integrated Windows Authentication&quot;. If I change it to clear text or anything it works fine. I haven't found out why yet though...
  5. MNClimber

    value not being passed

    Unless you have me confused again...very possible, especially today, on the second page...assuming the list box is in a form, you can just to request.form(&quot;lstLocation&quot;) and it should get the value of the selected item I believe. As for why the value that your current code is always...
  6. MNClimber

    passing info from a page with recordsets

    Do you have the &quot;action&quot; property in the <FORM> tag set to go to the desired page?? And you're right...I don't understand your problem, my last response was kind of a guess as to what you are trying to get at...sorry. Mike
  7. MNClimber

    passing info from a page with recordsets

    If you are calling an ASP from a form, then you can get the data from the form by using: field = request.form(&quot;fieldname&quot;) HTH Mike
  8. MNClimber

    How'd they hyperlink the URL we type inside Message box in Tek-Tips ?

    Ok, so I guess this BB does check that. In that case, I dunno, maybe find the space...then check the character before it, and if it's an invalid character, omit it in the anchor tag that would be generated. Of course, since this is so old, you may have already solved your problem. Mike
  9. MNClimber

    How'd they hyperlink the URL we type inside Message box in Tek-Tips ?

    Sorry, this thread is kind of old now...but I just saw a thread I was in had another response, so sorry again for bringing this back.. To try to answer your question a little bit though Deadline...the BB's that I frequent, they don't catch characters such as those at the end of a URL. If you...
  10. MNClimber

    Blocked .mdb in Outlook 2000

    Just curious...has this worked for anyone?? I have tried this numerous times and it hasn't worked yet. Thanks, Mike
  11. MNClimber

    Specify size of new window

    You have to run a script from the link. The script to do this is: window.open('page.htm',newwindow,'height=100,width=200') Of course changing the values to whatever you choose. HTH mike
  12. MNClimber

    pdf open not download

    For me...Win2K MSIE6. I can open Acrobat...then go to Edit -> Preferences -> Options. In there, there is a spot that says &quot;Web Browser Options&quot;. Under there, there is a check box that says &quot;Display PDF in browser&quot;, if I uncheck that, then it asks me to open or save it. I...
  13. MNClimber

    Write to a text file ....

    I have a script that writes to a file, the code to write looks like this: set f1 = fs.OpenTextFile(&quot;c:\VBS\remap.log&quot;, ForAppending, true) f1.writeline(&quot;Beginning run on &quot; & now & &quot; --------------&quot;) But this is in a VBS file that I run on my machine, not in an ASP...
  14. MNClimber

    How'd they hyperlink the URL we type inside Message box in Tek-Tips ?

    I would guess that the BB's that do change the URL to an actual link searches for either HTTP or www. and then goes from there to the first space found and puts that into the anchor tags. HTH Mike
  15. MNClimber

    Default file in IIS webserver

    I don't believe you can do it by uploading a file, I could be wrong though. The only way I know how to do it is to go through the ISM like Webmaster999 said. ISM is Inernet Service Manager. HTH Mike
  16. MNClimber

    Hi to all! Several sites (Tek-Tips

    placing an icon in your web's root directory and calling it favicon.ico should do this I believe. Mike
  17. MNClimber

    Finding a char in a String, multiple times

    Something like this maybe... zlocation = instrRev(wholestring,&quot;z&quot;,4,vbTextCompare) This will give you the location of the last &quot;z&quot;, case insensitive, within the first four characters. Or you could use: zlocation = instr(1,wholestring,&quot;z&quot;,vbTextCompare) And it...
  18. MNClimber

    Right clik disable - how to do it?

    GUJUm0deL I also agree that the code shouldn't be hidden. And also agree that the method I quickly described would be a lot of work and a pain in the rear to find a problem if you make a mistake in the code. I have never done that to try to hide the code, only once so that I could use VBScript...
  19. MNClimber

    setting focus

    <SCRIPT Language=VBScript> document.[formname].[objectname].focus() </SCRIPT> HTH Mike
  20. MNClimber

    Easy Web Question

    I should probably add...I believe that the get method is default, and that is where the data sent is visible in the address bar of the browser. Post method is not sent using the address bar and that is where you use Request.Form(&quot;VarName&quot;). You can also use...

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