New server was recently installed. None of our old events exist. How can i reload the old events.
I have also just discovered that our End of Day and automatic logoff of Employees that forget to logout are not occurring.
I believe that the automatic End of Day and Automatic Log Off of...
We will be using Windows 7 Professional 32 bit.
I had heard of to many other complications in trying to use the 64 bit.
I also figured this old code is probably written for 32 bit.
Thanks for the Sentinel Pro Win 7 Driver though I think its the same as the one I already have installed.
Were Running Aloha Back of House on an XP . Began moving the system over to a newer Windows 7 Pro. I finally got to the part where I needed to transfer the Sentinel USB Security Key Hasp from the old XP Pro (Server ) over to the new Windows 7 Pro which is becoming the new server.
I expected...
I have seen two Radiant Terminals P1510-0240 models where the capacitors have blown and are leaking down their sides. Many other terminals I have seen where the capacitors are slightly bulging at the top. I expected those units to have problems when I noticed the bulging capacitors but they are...
Were running Aloha 6.4.37 and it has a menu choice under Reports for Crystal Reports.
First what version of Crystal Reports can one use with Aloha BOH
Second is their a manual that shows one how to use it.
Third when I try to create some of my own reports for a specific range of dates,
Currently were running Aloha BOH Version 6.4.37 on a windows XP .
Were needing to upgrade the PC / Server for the BOH to a newer Windows 7 Pro 32 bit PC
I can't seem to find our install CD
Can someone post a link where I can obtain the 6.4.37_MSI.iso install files
Figured out the CASH DRAWER problem.
On the right side of the Cash Drawer Maintenance Menu
under the subcategory OTHER INTERFACES ....
the OPOS data field has to say either ...
RSDirect.CD1 or RSDirect.CD2It's very important to have that period "." between the RSDirect and CD#
I am still...
Having now moved the Bar Terminal (001 Bar ) back to the bar and telling the system to IGNORE the RAL error and continue I now find were having difficulty with the Cash Drawer opening.
We use the standard Radiant MS Cash 16" drawer with the direct connect RJ11-RJ12 connectors plugging into the...
Abort / Retry / Ignore
Dialog Popoup Window Reclarification
Choosing Retry just continued the failure(loop)
Choosing Ignore would REBOOT the systemChoosing Abort would LET THE SYSTEM CONTINUE.
Allowing one to use the POS Terminal. However, since this is the terminal that we would like to be...
Were running Aloha Table Service Version 6.4.37
Last night our BAR POS Terminal which is usually the Master began rebooting and would stop at the Radiant Auto Loader screen.
It would say Terminal Configuration in Progress and then show
a progress bar labeled Requesting Configuration...
Aloha EDC v 6.4.34
Back of House - Forcing Tip Authorization
EDC and FOH and BOH Closing has already occured for the day.
We now find we need to enter about 30 TIPS.
However the Aloha EDC for Forcing the Authorization of a Credit Card Transaction from the EDC will not let you only enter a tip...
Thanks for all your advice which was perfectly correct.
All of you were right on the target.
I had done all the correct steps.
The support I had received directly from NCR kept telling me to reboot the terminals.
In my mind their is a big difference between rebooting terminals and rebooting...
Were running Aloha EDC v6.4.34 for Paymentech.
Recently a $25 charge got posted and batched at $2005.
How can I refund this amount.
Each time I try I get a Result dialog box from the EDC that says... Failed Reason: Credit Amount over limit.
First I understand the reason for the warning. But...
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