When ever I put in estimated duration, it assumes that it's going to be at 8hrs a day. In reality, it can be 1hr on Monday, 0hrs on Tues & Weds, then 2hrs on Thurs, and so forth.
I've set up a template for projects. Project Managers(PM) will enter in the estimated dates, tell me when they've finished, and I take a snap-shop (Baseline).
My problem is that each PM has several project and will work on each anywhere from 10 to .5 hours a week. MS Project is set up to...
I'm Sorry, but this didn't help.
I don't see where in talks about Importing the data from, say, excel.
My VBA is so-so. I'm use to using it in Access. I'm not sure what event or control I'd be adding the code to.
First, a quick note, the resource pool for my actual project is an separate file with not task in it.
Real live-person training would be nice, but I'm not getting that anytime soon.
I get the % Allocation. 1hr is 13%, 2hrs is 25%, ...
I still don't get Assignment units. HOW is Project...
OK. They normally are linked to a resource pool, but I linked them for posting here.
This is the situation. We will be switching to MS Project. But 1st I have to input 6 months of finished projects and demonstrate how the program works and prepare various analysis reports on the projects...
Here is the 2nd one.
This is what really confuses me.
Task | Resource Name | Assmnt Units | Start |Finish
Construction | Person 1 | 6% | 6-6-11 | 6-20-11
Construction | Person 2 | 13% | 6-3-11 | 6-3-11
They both worked 1hr, only Person 2 worked it in 1...
Well, % Allocation is blank, so I guess that we need to figure out why.
As for the book - get ready to laugh - Microsoft® Office Project 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies. Someone used it before me. I can ask to buy one book, so I better pick a good one.
I'm running version 2007 regular. Not Server, Web, or Professional.
Yes, when I open the test project, I click to open the resource pool. I stay in the project and look at the resource pool, but if I need to make changes, I close everything, then open only the resource pool.
I usually use to...
Ok, I can't attached stuff from my desktop. I'll have to get permission to join mediafire.
I did as you said and added % Allocation. It is blank. I must be really stupid.
I don't see a Percent Allocation field. Maybe it has a different name?
I've attached what I'm seeing, if it helps.
I'll have to load hundreds of finished projects and do time analysis on them. They will all be complete. The data is coming from another source and they are all broken down into...
Sorry, Task Entry View.
Yes, I've a duration of 13 days, but only 3.5h Resource1(25%), 6.5h Resourse2(19%), 1h Resource3(6%), and 1h Resource4(13%). They work on many projects at the same time, so I'm trying to figure out how much of their time is on one project as compared to all projects...
I'm new to MS Project and the book I have doesn't explain everything. Idiot question time.
I've two test projects that I've entered. They have a shared resource pool. When in the Resource Allocation View, there's a % number that shows up titles "Units". In the Gantt chart, the same % number...
Is there a way to import from Excel or an Oracle DB the actual worked days and hours for a Resource? Example: 4hrs on 5/31/11; 6hrs on 6/1/11; 3hrs on 6/6/11?
My boss has given my 1 day to find out which program to use - Access or MS Project.
Situation: We have a large Oracle based Database for work management which has no project management capabilities.
What needs to be done: I will need to pull data from the DB and place it in a format that will...
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