We do indeed learn the device details such as the MAC address and Description / Alerting Name from UCM.
See screen shots attached showing a new user created called Tektips User, extension 6000 with a MAC address of SEPDEADBEEF1234.
When the call logger is first installed, you can do a directory sync with Cisco AXL. This picks up all the configured users and devices with any associated info contained therein. We automatically pick up all the CDR's and log to each associated user or device.
For on-going updates you can...
1. Enable CDR's within the Service Parameter Configuration (Do this for all UCM nodes)
2. Within Unified Serviceability, Tools, CDR Management add the destination for the CDR's (FTP or SFTP)
You should start receiving .CSV files every 1 min or so if using the default settings.
We specialise...
You can turn off the CMR's if you are only interested in CDR data, see here to disable them http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cucm/service/7_0_1/cdr-defs/cdrcmru.html
I am surprised to hear that they are using a lot of space as they should be a few kb each. We do not experience this...
The CDR's do not contain the description of the end point (Handset) or UDP, however this information can be obtained via an AXL query.
AXL/Soap info http://developer.cisco.com/web/axl/home
We have integrated AXL into our own products, TIM Plus and Enterprise. If you would like to see a video...
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