I have a question. Since I dont work on the weekends I have to still account for data for Friday and Saturday since my daily data reflects the day before. I have a field name that I focus on. The field names is Expiration date and I have it as >=Date()-32. Since I am not in the office to...
I have another question. Since I dont work on the weekends I have to still account for data for Friday and Saturday since my daily data reflects the day before. I have a field name that I focus on. The field names is Expiration date and I have it as >=Date()-32. Since I am not in the office...
I have a query and I am trying to figure out something. I have a field name that says Policy Number
Policy Number RN Offer Duplicate
ALA000000000 Renewal Offer Letter Duplicate
ALA000000000 Renewal Offer Letter Duplicate
If the Policy Number fieldname...
I have Query 1 results - AAL Male 23
I have Query 2 results - AAL Female 33
How to combine the two queries to get the results below:
AAL Male 23
AAL Female 33
Would I need to a union query?
I have a query that I created. I have two fields that I matched from the queries: 26 Daily Policies Expired.PolicyNumber and 03 Renewal Offer Analysis.Policy Number. If the policy number is showing for 26 Daily Policies Expired.PolicyNumber and not showing for 03 Renewal Offer Analysis.Policy...
I need help...I have fieldnames called Method, Auto/Manual and Payment Type from the table dbo_UWA_PaymentLog
I need a formula in my qeury to show the following:
(1)If Method = Epay and Auto/Manual = Auto then Payment Type = WEB PAY
(2)If Method = Epay and Auto/Manual = Manual then Payment...
I have a standard report done in Access 2007. Is it possible to create a macro in VBA to have that standard report sent to coworkers at a certain time?
I have the fieldname ExpDate set to Date()+32; which gives me the data for the policies with an expiration date of 11/18/2011. For expamle renewal offers goes out to customers with an expiration date of 11/18/2011 but the leeter went out yesterday being 10/16/2011. I would like to capture the...
Policy Fee and State Policy Fee. What I have done is create an unmatch query to pull out any policies with a different policy fee other than what is should be. I match the field name policy fee form the query against the State policy fee from the table and had the fallouts of any policies...
Question for you... I have a table and a query that I created below:
STATE POLICY FEE Table (Table I created from scratch)
State policy fees
03Renewal Offere Analysis (Query)
Policy Fee
I am trying to see if there the policy fees from the...
Dhookem...you are correct...It was a typo on my end. I thought since I changed the expression name in the query that I had to include it in the formula. I believe this formula will work for me. Thanks as always.
I have a query in Access 2007 and I am trying to write a formula but need a little help:
Change: IIf([dbo_renrec.ren_amt AS [Renewal Premium Offer]>[02ppols renewal].prem AS [Original Written Premium],"Uprate",IIf([dbo_renrec.ren_amt AS [Renewal Premium Offer]>[02ppols renewal].prem AS...
I have a query and in this query I have a field name called entdate which means enter date. I have about 15,000 rows of data as it gives me the individula policies. I would like to have a formula to give me weekly data from Sunday to Saturday.
This is what I am trying to accomplish:
STATE prem fee Description Term State Fee AAL $470.00 $2.00 New Business 12 $3.00
AAL $652.00 $2.00 Renewal 06 $9.00
AAL $664.00 $2.00 New Business 03 $7.00
AAL $636.00 $2.00 Renewal 01 $6.00
I am trying...
So if I have the following formula below:Amount Fee Added: IIF (([State]=AAL AND [Desc]=New Business and [Term] = 6, [Policy Fee]+ [State Fee],0
That will give me the Added Fee Amount?
Keep in mind that I already have in my query the description to give mw whether a policy is...
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