Thanks folks.
It took me a while to get back to everyone because I had to teach myself how to do the hot desking. I'm not sure if I should open a new thread or not, so I'll keep the conversation going here.
- I created a new COS (6) with Hot Desk Login Accept and Hot Desk Remote Logout Enabled...
I believe this is the information you are looking for:
Main Controller -------: MAINIP3K
-> Patch --------------: SP1
I can see how details would be helpful too ;o)
Right now, I have two separate phones with two separate extentions. Each of the two offices will only be...
We have a Mitel 3300 and I am working with two 5320 IP phones. I know that I can create a ring group with both extensions, but I have a feeling there is a better way to get this done.
Thanks for any feedback!
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