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Search results for query: *

  1. Phantek

    Can Crystal Report export tab delimited file with 2400+ hrs clock or with 'x' after time?

    Okay, I think that this needs to be done with a formula. Why not try the following: Local StringVar Array t := split(totext(time({FIELD NAME HERE}),"H:mm:ss"),":"); if tonumber(t[1]) < 4 then t[1] := totext((tonumber(t[1]) + 24),0); t[1] + ":" + t[2] + ":" + t[3]; Just replace the...
  2. Phantek

    Can Crystal Report export tab delimited file with 2400+ hrs clock or with 'x' after time?

    Perhaps I do not understand the question, but have you tried right-clicking the field, choosing "format field" and changing the time for a 24-hour clock?
  3. Phantek

    Creating a role of dates

    Hi mcallaghan, Do you have a sample of the query that you are using? Depending on how you are doing it, it may just be to use an outer join, or to use a case when gathering the results.
  4. Phantek

    Querying MS Access, then SQL Server from Command

    My primary data source is an SQL Server database to which I have very limited view-only rights. As a result, I have created some separate tables in an MS Access database to help me work with the data in the SQL Server. I am able to use the Database Expert to link the two data sources together...
  5. Phantek

    ADO from Excel to retrieve saved Access query

    You solved it PHV, thank you so much! Except this is kinda crazy. Now that I have changed the query to Like '%Benefits%', that query ONLY works via ADO - it I look at it in Access it does not work. But that is alright, I will create a copy of the query that will only be accessed via ADO...
  6. Phantek

    ADO from Excel to retrieve saved Access query

    I just realized, it's a query of a query of a query. I thought that could be part of the problem, but I have other queries that work when I retrieve from a query of a query. I tried running the prior query ("Leave") and I had the same problem. It pulled from query "Everyone". I was able to...
  7. Phantek

    ADO from Excel to retrieve saved Access query

    SELECT Leave.ID, Leave.Area, Leave.Location, Leave.Department, Leave.EType, Leave.LocNum, Leave.LeaveRsn FROM Leave WHERE (((Leave.LeaveRsn) Is Null)); I just tried, and I am able to get the field names, but not any record values...
  8. Phantek

    ADO from Excel to retrieve saved Access query

    Yes, valid point. The query in this case does not require any new parameters - it has everyting that it needs.
  9. Phantek

    ADO from Excel to retrieve saved Access query

    I am trying to retrieve the information from a saved Access query and display the results in Microsoft Excel. I managed to find some helpful code, but it is only working for some queries and not others. If I run it on certain queries, it gives me the full results. If I try it on others, it...
  10. Phantek

    Bringing Excel to the Front - AppActivate?

    The xlNormal did not seem to do much, but the xlMaximized did the trick - thanks for your help!
  11. Phantek

    VBA Excel with Word, close all txt files in folder?

    I just wanted to make sure, is this a direct copy-paste from your code: Kill (C:\Workshop\Temporary Files\*.txt") If so, you missed the quotes at the beginning: Kill ("C:\Workshop\Temporary Files\*.txt")
  12. Phantek

    Bringing Excel to the Front - AppActivate?

    I have an Excel file with macros in it that is being run on a server where the user will log out after 15 minutes of inactivity, and if the user does not save the file before the log out they will lose all changes made. I have set up some ways of detecting how long it has been since the user...
  13. Phantek

    Excel VBA and Acrobat X printing

    Hi GreaterD, Without more details, I cannot guarantee that this is the solution, but it was something that stumped me when I tried to print out as a PDF. The thing with PDF documents is that they are not printed directly as a PDF. Rather, the program must first print the file as a...
  14. Phantek

    VBA - Excel - Language of MsgBox buttons

    Is there any way to control the language that the buttons on the message boxes are being displayed in? I am making a program that will be used in either English or French, and I want to be able to control which language is being displayed on the prompts regardless of which language the version...
  15. Phantek

    Excel ThisWorkbook.saved always true

    I have an Excel file with a number of macros, including some code in the Workbook_BeforeClose subroutine of ThisWorkbook. When the file is first opened, Workbook_Open runs some code and sets ThisWorkbook.Saved = True. If I immediately close down the file without doing anything...
  16. Phantek

    Excel Find not working

    I used a recorded macro to try and learn how to use the Find command in VBA. Everything works fine if I want to activate the cell containing the information, like this: Dim fullName as String Selection.Find(What:=fullName, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _ xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole...
  17. Phantek

    Microsoft Access - Automate Importing from Exchange

    I have a database to which I wish to import information from emails in my outlook. I keep the emails in a specific directory to make it easy. I am using Office 2003. I can easily do this manually by going File > Get External Data > Import - then I select "Exchange()" from "Type of File"...
  18. Phantek

    Two filesearches - second one not working

    MakeItSo... THANK YOU! It's always the stupid mistakes... but I will take an easy solution any day!
  19. Phantek

    Create new Outlook Email - adding attachment

    Thank you to everyone who contributed - it helped me track down the solution. In case anyone else has this problem, I will document the solution. Gammachaser was right that the email had to be in rtf format in order to place an attachment directly in the text. The problem with this is that I...
  20. Phantek

    Two filesearches - second one not working

    I am using Office 2003. I am trying to run two filesearches in the same sub. The first run runs no problem and I get the multiple files that I require. When the second one runs, it always finds 0 files no matter how many files are actually in the directory in which it is searching. Any...

Part and Inventory Search
