Can access voicemail from phone.
Cannot access BCM via IE. I get the username / password prompt but no combinations of usernames and password that were known to be valid work.
After a reboot of the BCM 400 I am now unable to log on to it (either thru BCM Monitor, BCM Element Manager or HYperterm) with any credentials (including the nnadmin - PlsChgMe!).
I connected to the serial port via HyperTerm and was able to capture the boot up as follows:
NCGL 2005 (cjdavola)...
We are running a BCM 400 with 89 IP Client Liscences. The BCM monitor is showing 84 of 89 used, but when I try to add any more IP sets, I get the message Server: No Ports Available.
I have attached screen caps of all of the tabs in the BCM monitor. Anyone have any ideas?
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