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Search results for query: *

  1. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Changing display file on link click.

    wow i figured it out.. the href='dir.php?file=$file' then the load is $ptf.= $_GET['file']; thanks!!! Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  2. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Changing display file on link click.

    thanks Padie!! I'll ask around there too if I cant figure out how to do your suggestion, care to post a quick example of storing an array in $_SESSION? (you dont have to include anything from my source just a general example.) As far as the JavaScript in there it was something I found on google...
  3. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Changing display file on link click.

    Hello again people of TT... I'm having an issue, I have been losing sleep for the past couple of days between reading hundreds of forums, and trying what seems like thousands of different attempts to change the displayed file when you click on a link. It may sound simple but its actually...
  4. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Creating 1 byte enum

    SOLVED: enum FF8CHARID : unsigned char {... sizeof() returned 1byte!! ty for your help ArkM Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  5. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Creating 1 byte enum

    thank you, I will look into this further, I have heard about "VS Dirty Tricks." Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  6. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Creating 1 byte enum

    Thanks ArkM, I found the source for one of my old favorite Final Fantasy games (8) and qhimm (the original auth.) had commented out that section i pasted and said
  7. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Creating 1 byte enum

    I need help turning the following into a 1 byte enum if possible, if its not could you please explain why not.. ( all original names have been omitted but the strings: _zz1, _zz2, _blank, none = 0xFF ) I have already completed my program, BUT i can add a whole new section to it if i can get...
  8. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    copy paste contents of a excel worksheet into outlook email body

    if your the one sending the email, it would probably save you time to just copy paste the tables/data you want into the email.. Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  9. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Registering DLL

    Just make a back up/ restore point, try it and if you have issues restore. have you looked here? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLL_hell Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  10. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    need help coverting a VBS chunk to JavaScript

    Forgot to mention a while ago that, that did indeed work, project complete :D Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  11. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    need help coverting a VBS chunk to JavaScript

    for (lidx=1; idxACSAcct) supresses syntax error, not sure if it is vailid though, still have 6500+ lines of VBScript to go.. before i can actually get some output.. is the there a quick script i can insert at the top for on error output jserr to .log? Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  12. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    need help coverting a VBS chunk to JavaScript

    btw most of that has already been converted to JS if you see a str that has an error for JS pleasse let me know Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  13. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    need help coverting a VBS chunk to JavaScript

    function doMONI_Edit(){ /*IF UPDATES TO THE ACS MONITORING STATUS NEED TO BE MADE, CREATE THE EDIT SCREEN*/ var sHTML; var lidx; sHTML = "<table border='1' width='95%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' style='border-collapse: collapse'>"; sHTML = sHTML + "<tr><td>"; sHTML = sHTML + "<table...
  14. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    VBScript to copy XML sheet/info and save it.

    dont forget to change your file names and what not :) Devon Intel Corp. (HF)
  15. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    VBScript to copy XML sheet/info and save it.

    OMG Really! thats all i forgot!! haha thank you so much agian Tsuji!! your the master! and yes it works!! the funny thing is if it put the update script into the main of the application McAfee will auto delete? oh well the script alone works just fine :D i will post it here so if anyone ever...
  16. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    VBScript to copy XML sheet/info and save it.

    I tried it : Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application","IE_") Wscript.Sleep 1000 objIE.Visible = 0 objIE.Navigate("http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=12798480&u=f.xml") WScript.Sleep 2000 WshShell.sendkeys % 'WScript.sleep 500 WshShell.sendkeys f WScript.sleep 500...
  17. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    VBScript to copy XML sheet/info and save it.

    OK wait... i just got hit in the face.. correct me if im wrong but the yStream.SaveToFile "F:\WeatherCast\97124.xml" is auto pressing ctrl+s right? well i just went to manually do it via IE i pressed ctrl+S and got the error sound.. BUT file Save As is there.. so how would i do that? like...
  18. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    VBScript to copy XML sheet/info and save it.

    So here is the problem.. I have a script to get the XML sheet from Y! weather the problem is that the only browser that saves the XML sheet properly is Google Chrome, it actually views the XML markup on the webpage and CTRL+S will give me save as and i just save that XML sheet manually then my...
  19. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    Searching files by modified date.

    For x = 0 to Ubound(arrFileLines) Wscript.echo "Searching for '" & SearchString & "' within files modified " & noofdays & " days ago." ShowSubFolders(objFSO.GetFolder("\\" & arrFileLines(x) & "\c$")) i noticed that you have ' followed by " after searching for and then " followed by '...
  20. ErrorLINE1CHAR1

    objLogFile, not Logging Input

    Fixed it! :) only a few small mess ups haha, should have been more obvious but oh well! anyways for anyone else that ever want to know who to write a log file for what is inputed into a text Field, here you go: <body> <div>Computer Name: <input type="text" maxlength="50" size="30"...

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