I think the problem that you are having is that fastethernet4 isn't a configurable port on this model of router. Think of all four fastethernet ports as a dummy switch. The configurations on interface vlan 1 controls all your ethernet ports. There should be an atm port on this...
It requires a cross-over cable because the atm machine is supose to go through a switch instead of going straight to the router. Anytime you are connecting two like devices without going through a switch it needs to be crossed so the send and recieve pairs match up correctly.
Your best bet is to have static Nat translations (ip nat inside source static "local address" "outside address") for your servers to specify which real address is used by which inside local address. You can then use an access list to open specific ports for specific servers.
your nat pool should be pointing to outside interface "ip nat inside source list 1 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 overload" not "ip nat inside source list 1 interface GigabitEthernet0/1 overload
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