Yep - I figured it out late Friday night doing exactly as you suggested above. Worked like a charm. The report it still a pig with 4 subreports doing a ton of calcs off of the shared variables but I pushed it through BO-BI and that helped some, only taking 45 min now. LOL. I need this report...
Yeah, I managed to put the Shar Var results on the GH-a line, moved all the "details" down to GH-b and suppressed the Sub report in the GH-a line but now the thing has been refreshing for over 2 hours for 1,738 records.... so something is getting really hung up. Uggh.
Hi all - I have written tons of Crystals in the past 20+ years that contain the passing of shared variables from multiple sub reports to the main report and typically when using the shared variable data in a calculation, it always comes out best when placed on the GF below where the sub report...
Hi All - I'm wondering if anyone could tell me how I can get the data on my main (GF1) to repeat when I have multiple items on the linked Sub-report (GF1).
I am writing a report for our transportation team that on the main report has a shipment number and other shipment detail (carrier, leg...
Great! I will try this! I did find a work around by converting the date to a string but it is clunky.
I will give your example a try in the morning as I'm off to a baseball game now.
Thanks much LB, I will report back!! *Ü*
Hello all - I am a bit stumped. I am trying to concatenate a series of dates that are already in the 05/23/18 format.
For example, I have the following:
Order # RDD
20012512 05/23/18
20012512 06/01/18
20012512 07/03/19
At the GF I'd like to see:
20012512 05/23/18; 06/01/18; 07/03/19...
I believe I have found a solution.
I ended up using a formula in the Details Section Expert to suppress any "exceptions" (If {@Short To Order} < 0 Then {@Short To Order}Else 0)that were = to "0.0".
Works like a charm.
Thanks for the ideas and assistance!!
I am still not able to suppress the positive results. I need to be able to show only the negative results of the formula, which are the exceptions.
Typically I would use the Select Expert/Formula Workshop to say where {formula} < 0.
I have to think that there is a way to create this exception...
Hi all!
I have created a report where I have 2 sub-reports passing a total of 8 variables back to the main.
On the main I have a formula where I am using the shared variables from the 2 subs to create positive or negative number (basically, open orders minus deliveries minus any avail open...
Yes, tried it all. Funny thing is that I get the correct result of my calc on the main in GF2b but as soon as I move it to GF2a, it will not add the var number from the sub.
So, I found a work around that gives the intended results.
Basically, I moved all of my data less the original subreport...
Hmmmm....Ok,I think I am doing what you stated above. So on my sub I am taking a vaule that is on GF1 and using in a calculation that is in GF2b on my main, this works perfectly, however if I pull the calc up to GF2a where it needs to be, it does not add the subreport value.
I've uploaded a...
Quick question, hopefully..... *Ü*
I have a shared var from my sub that I am using in a simple addition problem on my main. I can get the result of my addition to come up but it will only show the correct result on my GF2b, not my GF2a where I need it. When I pull the formula up to GF2a, it...
Is this possible?? I have a ton of scheduled jobs that run daily, I have them set up to email me and then I have to turn around and save them to my hard drive then upload them to SharePoint....ugg!
Is there a way to just automatically send them to SP??
Going to give this a shot, running this adhoc for the remainder of the week to verify Thurs will pull in Sat-Mon. Hopefully it works, so far it seems to. I'll post back tomorrow with yay or nay. Thanks!
Formula: RDD Begin
IF DayOfWeek (currentdate)= 2 THEN currentdate + 2 ELSE //If Monday...
Thanks pmsawyer - I am trying to use the formula you suggested but I am not too familiar with variables.
I've used them a few times in subreports, passing info from sub to main but not for a dating formula such as this.
I have left my afternoon open to work on this.
Thanks again!
I should clarify that I only get Monday when I run it on Thursday.
All other days (M,T, W,F) pull in the orders correctly.....I just can't get the Sat, Sun, Mon all in one report.
Thanks! Ü
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