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Search results for query: *

  1. gjraynor

    Capturing MS-DOS Program output in VS Output Pane

    Thanks again. I understand the problem with NTVDM operating in a VM making communication with the 32 bit VS difficult. I guess the easiest "copout" is to forget the real time aspect of it and write a little utility that just opens the redirected file and outputs it with ::OutputDebugString(). It...
  2. gjraynor

    Capturing MS-DOS Program output in VS Output Pane

    Thanks. I have used DebugView on 32 bit programs. My problem here is that the DOS 16 bit program IS the App. I am just using VS6 as a convenient dev environment. I was hoping there was some trick - or utility - that would enable the DOS output (which is itself just DEBUG info as the app writes...
  3. gjraynor

    Capturing MS-DOS Program output in VS Output Pane

    Does anyone know of a way to "TEE" the output of an MS-DOS Program into the VS6 Output Pane? I have tried running it from a batch file and treating the bat file as a tool and directing its output etc. but there seems to be problems with all the TEE tools available.
  4. gjraynor


    Another trick - just find the LNK and PIF files from your win desktop folder on one machine and copy them over to the other. Works even between Win98 and Win2000, XP, etc. I do it all the time with about 15 different DOS applications.
  5. gjraynor

    upgraded CPU, now W2k won't run

    I had the same problem after MB upgrade. It's to do with the new hardware requiring different drivers which you can't install because you can't boot! (Catch 22). I tried several suggestions I found on the internet but eventually had to reformat my Win2K partition and reinstall. Now works OK...
  6. gjraynor

    Available fonts in console window

    Find and install any monospaced raster font. They will then appear in the list of available fonts for the DOS or CMD.EXE console box. (Win 9x requires the fonts to have the internal name of "Terminal" but Win 2000 and XP will accept most fixed pitch fonts meeting certain criteria.)...
  7. gjraynor

    Detecting Screen Mode in Console Apps

    Win32 and/or MFC Console Apps. How do you programmatically:- 1. Detect if running in "Full screen" mode? 2. Detect if "Zoomed" to Max Window? 3. Change the Window rectangle size to a proportion of max screen? 4. Detect if running under a DOS .BAT file?
  8. gjraynor

    Win Security Issue? DOS app access to floppy

    Thanks for the reply. The software is using standard DOS calls rather than trying to directly access the hardware - and works OK if the destination is a harddrive or the OS is Win98 etc. Any other ideas??
  9. gjraynor

    Creating a Resource Only DLL

    How can I eliminate the "gangload area" from an EXE (FON) file I am creating? Is there a flag that should be used with TLINK or MS LINK? Or is there an appropriate entry that should be placed in the .DEF file? EXEHDR.EXE reports that there is always a gangload area created starting at...
  10. gjraynor

    Creating a (Resource Only) FON file.

    How can I eliminate the "gangload area" from an EXE (FON) file I am creating? Is there a flag that should be used with TLINK or MS LINK? Or is there an appropriate entry that should be placed in the .DEF file? EXEHDR.EXE reports that there is always a gangload area created starting at...
  11. gjraynor

    Win Security Issue? DOS app access to floppy

    When running a DOS app in a (non-networked) Win 2000 DOS box, the DOS app tries to copy a file to a floppy drive. Windows denies the app permission to write to drive A: while I can still use DOS to copy files to the floppy from the DOS box. (Everything works OK in Win 98). Is there some Windows...
  12. gjraynor

    Extracting FNTs from FON Files

    Does anyone have code for parsing a Windows FON file to extract the FNT structures contained within it?

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