I'm using CR2008 on a progress database, using a proprietary driver.
I have a table with the data I want, where the key index fields are strings (stupid design fault)
To get around this, I have created 2 SQL conversion expressions, and use them to link 4 subreports to bring extra data...
Hi all
I have a report in Crystal 12, that connects to an SQL database; some tables and a stored procedure.
The report was working fine until a couple of days agao, when I tried to refresh it, but it came up with
"failed to retrieve data from the databae"
"Unknown Database Connector Error"...
CR 2008 on an SQL database.
I need to count the records for each of my names, but the suppression field uses a running total, and I can't work out how to distinctcount.
Gp1: Name
Gp2: Reference
Gp3: Details: Units of Time: Value of Time: Activity Code: Budget Vale:
I have running totals...
Progress database with CR 2008.
I have a rerport that pulls data from a transaction table based on fields stored as text, and I have to link the details in this table to another where the link values are stored as numbers.
I have therefore created a subreport to get the correct values from the...
Group 1 - Department
Group 2 - Sector
Group 3 - Team
Group 4 - Name
Detaila - subreport - {Transactions}
Detailb - {@LastMovement} <- This is my array formula
Grp 4 Ftr - summary field (maximum({@LastMovement}, Name)
Hope this helps explain.
Thx MC
CR 2008 - SQL database
I have a report that shows certain files, if they haven't had activity for a calculated period.
The {@Last Movement} is an array formula
which works fine.
I now have to add a new element to the...
CR 2008 - SQL database
I have a report that shows certain files, if they haven't had activity for a calculated period.
The {@Last Movement} is an array formula
which works fine.
I now have to add a new element to the...
Progress database with Crystal Reports 2008
I have a table where the key indexes are stored as text instead of numbers (which they are in every other table in the DB)
I need an SQL expression to speed up the conversion as the report often fails when there are a large number of transactions...
Thanks for the tools advice. I will take a look at that.
And apologies for not mentioning version info.
I'm using CR 2008.
I will try the neatening formulas, as I think they will make it much easier to define.
I have to write a formula to calculate countback days on a WiP balance, and wonder if anyone knows any shortcuts, as I have to go back 24 months, which involves huge repetitive formulas.
if {#MFE WiP Bal) > {@Mth 1 Time} then
if {#MFE WiP Bal) > ({@Mth 1 Time}+{@Mth 2 Time} then
I meant the Preview Panal command that shows parameters and the group tree, but I've manged to re-instate it, by ticking the box in Report Options, then saving and closing the report and re-opening.
I'd forgotten that it won't show until you close and re-open a report.
I do have dual monitors, so with a bit of messing about and moving them around, I have managed to do as you suggested, and it is now back in place!
Thanks so much for the help.
I've done this before, and I'm even pretty sure I've seen the answer somewhere here on TekTips, but no amount of searching can find the answer today, so I apolopgise for any repetition!
My field explorer is usually docked on the right, I've managed to undock it, which would normally be just a...
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