I am trying to make an if statement to have multiple constraints.
Can it be done using perl??
I have so far:
$serial = `cut -d : -f 3 serial.txt`;
print ("$serial");
chomp ($serial);
if ($serial (>= 2000000) && (<= 2600000))
print ("$serial is greater than 2000000...
I am trying to write a script that will appear only once during the init.d bootup. If I can, I'd like to get a GUI interface going but it doesn't have to. Have any of you guy's written a script that is GUI based and know of any good HOW-TO's??
Do I have to install ssh on my Linux server? don't see it anywhere. I can run a rsh as a regular usr.<br>
When I do top I don't see anything that is showing two processors.<br>
The HOW TO says that I have to have the Server to be able to access the client through ssc without a...
Hey guys,<br>
I am trying to cluster two computers, One a 333 and the other a 133. The 133 is the main server and I have got the /home and the /usr/local files shared by NFS.<br>
I have been reading the Beowulf HOW-TO and they say that the main server must have a RS access without a...
Hey guys I don't know if you have gotten this error or not, but I have installed wine and it works but when I start up any Office 97 application under it it says that the tahoma font has not been installed, Please reinstall.<br>
Any suggestions?????
Done it been there. I told my server to keep the dynamic address and Since Bell South is egotistical to send a warning message to my Bellsouth.net email account I never used, I got on their IP abuse list.<br>
Now I am back to regular dial-up<br>
Ho humm............
It sounds like NT is being Egotistical again and doesn't to be authenticated on the unix network.<br>
I am wondering if you have the NT server set up to be a primary domain controller or just a regular NT server????
I have tried to create my own script but I lack the programming experience to determine the latest DAT file from the rest. FTP also won't allow you to do retrieve a *.DAT file either.<br>
Any suggestions?????<br>
I saw a script on a web site that did just this but I have tried to go...
Hey guys I have been digging around in man pages for the whole day and have been trying to put a limit on how much space a user can have in his or her account whether it be web, ftp or mail space. <br>
I have been trying to look at the man for quota, quotaon, quotaoff, and checkquota.<br>...
Andy, <br>
The website is <A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com" TARGET="_new">www.linuxjournal.com</A> and I couldn't find exactly what you were talking about.<br>
Was it the IPCHAINS article?<br>
<A HREF="http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue68/3622.html"...
Check out <A HREF="http://www.linux-howto.com" TARGET="_new">www.linux-howto.com</A> and go to the Apache Section. I have my server going on a DSL line. The only problem is if and when the server goes down and the IP changes it will take two days for Network Solutions to change their DNS so it...
Those sites don't work. <br>
Try <A HREF="http://www.linux-howto.com" TARGET="_new">www.linux-howto.com</A><br>
I got samba working great by editing smb.conf<br>
Always remember to restart the smb daemon by going entering<br>
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart<br>
Also make...
Here is the deal. I have been working on www.linux-howto.com with the How-to on virtual hosting. In that tutorial it says that i have to get a vhost daemon running. ????????<br>
My book that I have been working with REDHAT 6 Unleashed says the only two things that I have to get right is...
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