My mailing code has been working perfectly for 2 years. Last week I started getting the message:
"jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff'
The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to receive the message"
I have not made any changes to my code, and the hosting company has not made any changes...
Hmmn.. I now have the code working with slightly different syntax:
"WHERE listing.listing_ID =" & recordNo & " "&_
"AND country.country_ID = listing.country_ID "&_
And thanks, I'll look up SQL injection.
Having problem with inserting a numeric value returned from a URL:
dim recordNo
recordNo = Request.QueryString("record")
Here is the relevent part of the SQL statement:
"FROM listing, country, kind, condition "&_
"WHERE listing.listing_ID = recordNo "&_
"AND country.country_ID =...
I can't do that... I am dealing with several large files already (some with 40 to 50 pages).
That's why I want to use several (smaller) files and cross-reference them with bookmarks.
I have two documents created with WORD:
1) 'Document_A.doc' has hyperlink 'hyperlink_A'
2) 'Document_B.doc' has hyperlink 'hyperlink_B' and 'bookmark_B'
Using WORD, I can access 'bookmark_B' by one of these methods:
1) click 'hyperlink_B' (which calls #bookmark_B)
2) click 'hyperlink_A'...
I have an ACCESS DB with two tables: a) personalInfo; and b) accountInfo.
I want to use mailmerge (WORD 2007) to call data fields from both tables.
Can this be done??
Found the problem...
The form page had the <META> tag: <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1255">
However, the processing page (with code as shown in my original posting) did not.
I simply added the <META> tag to the above code, and voilá!
Thanks anyway.
The code below takes form variables (lines 3-12), runs some validation routines (lines 14-48), and then uses Jmail to send a response (lines 50-81). If the user enters English in the form, then everything works fine: I receive an email in English.
However, if the user enters Hebrew characters...
I'm looking to make a certain webpage active between 2 specific dates. For example, in my default webpage I could have some ASP code saying something like:
startDate = 12/10/2010 'I'm not sure of the format
endDate = 12/25/2010
IF date is between startDate and endDate...
My apologies. I should have been more explicit.
Basically the code works... even with the 'commented-out' tags removed.
However, what I want is only ONE selectbox displayed at a time, not the 3 different select boxes in 3 different table cells of the table.
I initially want the citySelect to...
My code begins with a citySelectBox e.g.,
<option value="">-- select city --
<option value="-1">[-- change country --]
<option value="1">Washington
<option value="2">New York
<option value="3">Baltimore
<option value="4">Denver
I have a problem if user clicks [-- change country --].
I want a hyperlink titled "change location'. On click, I want it to be replaced with a select box.
My problems are:
a) onclick doesn't hide the original text
b) the select box appears adjacent to (not in the same place as) the original text.
Any help will be appreciated.
Oops! Left out this part of the City code:
Function list_CityOptionsForCountry(ByVal SelectedID, ByVal intCountryID, ByVal intLanguageID)
Dim tempRS
Dim strOptions, strListItems
strOptions = ""
''refresh application value?
Call list_CityListsForCountry(intCountryID, intLanguageID, _...
I have a mySQL table with a list of countries, and a second table with a list with cities.
To display the countries, I call the following code:
Function list_CountryOptions(ByVal intSelectedCountry)
Dim tempRS
intSelectedCountry = Trim(intSelectedCountry)
If Not...
I have 3 select boxes: selCountry, selCity and selSuburb.
If no selection is made in selCountry, then the remaining 2 select boxes should be inactive.
If selection is made in selCountry, then selCity should be active and selSuburb inactive.
If selection is made in selCountry and selCity, then...
Problem solved.
I simply removed the css: 'display:table-cell;' Now everything works fine in FireFox, IE7 and Chrome.
BTW, I used FireBug to de-bug this one.
From a new kid on the block...
I have the code below which renders perfectly in Chrome and IE7, but looks ghastly in FireFox.
Can anyone either tell me what I'm doing wrong, or else point me to a site that shows such incompatibility issues.
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