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  1. Sirmaxmagic

    New order mode and KDS

    You must be check and modify your Routing Rule Book to see the new orders mode.
  2. Sirmaxmagic

    NCR Aloha POS // Pricing LIst

    Hi Team Anyone know if is possible Upload a Pricing List, may be in a .csv File? We are using CFC for 160 Diferents Restaurants, but when we need make a Prices Changes, delay until 19 Days, because we must be modify item per item, after that review prices, change prices delay until 2 day per...
  3. Sirmaxmagic

    Aloha TS: QR Code on the Receipts

    Yes, This is possible, dependign Aloha Version.. SInce v12.x is possible print a EAN13 Code or QR Solo lo increible te hace crecer, abre tu mente a la mágia. SirmaxMagic
  4. Sirmaxmagic


    Hi Renan Yes, Is possible, I think, you are ussing a jSon structure to inject order (BSL or Cloud Connect), then, you must be made some configurations on ATO and in jSon to inject apply payment, must be use Custom_Prepaid Something like this "payments": [ { "lineId"...
  5. Sirmaxmagic

    Looking for Aloha remote support

    Hi, I'm Available to support..! Just write me sirmaxmagic@gmail.com Solo lo increible te hace crecer, abre tu mente a la mágia. SirmaxMagic
  6. Sirmaxmagic

    Aloha Kitchen / ATO Prioritize Orders to first line

    Is it possible in Kitchen or with ATO to prioritize specific orders? That is, a customer, is making an alliance with a ATO Integrator, with something they call TURBO, where orders that enter with the TURBO Order mode must skip the entire order queue and go to the first row on the kitchen...
  7. Sirmaxmagic

    Aloha Winhook.BAT not works

    Hi team I have a Winhook.bat file with a some rutines to do during EOD like - Move .CHK Files from FOH to a folder in BOH - Make some reports and move it to a folder in BOH - Run a .exe file to send some reports by mail - etc. BUT If I test runing Winhook.bat mannually, this works fine, but...
  8. Sirmaxmagic

    CFC Multiples Instances

    Hi Team Somebody have last version for CFCshellinstaller.msi, is a Installer for CFC Multiples Instances, I have a year 2015 version, but I think I need a new version. Solo lo increible te hace crecer, abre tu mente a la mágia. SirmaxMagic
  9. Sirmaxmagic

    aloha bin 6.7.74 +

    Hi Raiden 3 Ya recibiste el Pack Español para Aloha? si lo neceistas aun, escribe por MP y te ayudo con eso..! Saludos Solo lo increible te hace crecer, abre tu mente a la mágia. SirmaxMagic
  10. Sirmaxmagic

    Run Iber.exe 2 Times in a same PC at Same Time

    Hi Team I have a enviroment BOH/FOH running in a same PC (Is not Virtual) Question: Is possible run Iber.exe 2 times like a differents process in a same PC at same time? Why? - I need a BOH/FOH in a Same PC (But not Virtual) - I'm Running ATO & Delivery - I need Aloha Online Ordering is...
  11. Sirmaxmagic

    Aloha TakeOut don't start in POS

    Well, finally was fix..! On POS and server just run this two commands ans restart Server and POS Iber.exe /regserver Regsvr32 iberps.dll But is very importan to know.... thi stwo commands are for v12 o v6, in theory v15 register this two files in the instalaltion, but in this case, no did...
  12. Sirmaxmagic

    Aloha TakeOut don't start in POS

    Thanks for your answer AlohaRoss Yes... ATO is trying to run on FOH

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