It seems to me there is a release problem of memory for instance an object that doesn't exist any more is called to release his memory.. which of course isn't possible. But I don't can find any reason in the code you were giving.
I should try to use try... catch commands to get some more...
Remember that many VCL components of C++ Builder are written in Pascal (Delphi). Maybe this cause your problems?
But it is only a guess. I have no knowlege about PC-Lint
Is it possible that you original an VB programmer?
I don't understand very well your question.
But I suppose the solution to your problem is Dynamic cast. With dynamic cast you can use the same code for all your vcl components. This is not possible with VB( at least about 10 years ago it...
Please, do not misunderstand me. It is not because you are new in C++ this wasn't a good question. It is a common error and I think many experienced C++ programmers are forgotten why a public declared member that is not initiated correctly can not called outside the class.
nnnkkk wrote:
I declared on the form1 int a,b,c and currency res1,res2,
It is strange to read this.
in h-file:
__published: // IDE-managed Components
private: // User declarations
public: // User declarations
int a;
int b;
int c;
int res1;
int res2...
With the newer version it is possible to write .Net applications. If you do not write .Net applications, I do not think there is a reason to upgrade. However for writing and using dll, it is a lot easier to use or write them with C++ 2006.
I think it is better to declare those variables private and use public setters and getters to set and get the value of the variables.
in "Form1.h":
int a;
int b;
int c;
void __fastcall seta(int q) {a=q;};
int geta() {return a;};
and so on... Think object oriented.
Ensure you've checked the properties in Tools/Option/C++ option/path and Diredtories and ../Project Properties.
C++ Builder 2007 can make it very easy for you if Include Path is checked in Tools/Option/C++ option/Project Properties, which is the default option.
You need to install your dll...
I am not sure if I understand well what you wish. However I should solve this by adding a TDBMemo to my DBGrid, in a way that each time a record is selected, the context of the text will displayed in the TDBMemo.
The most common reason is that you didn't uncheck "linking with rtl." It is something you should always try when a dll won't load.
Open a dll project and at the end of the dialog you must uncheck linking with rtl.
I'am not sure if I understand your problem well.
But AnsiString has an function dat convert itself to a widestring:
ansiStr is an AnsiString.
dest is a wchar_t*
And there are more functions like:
There exist also
place in a TForm an TImage and a TButtom.
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)
TPoint point;
point = Image1->ClientToScreen(TPoint(0,0));
ShowMessage(AnsiString(point.x)+" "+AnsiString(point.y));
When you move the frame an push the buttom you will get the
You can use ActionList where the most of the ShellExecute commands are gathered. In version 5 there is no TAction for the browser. But in BCB2006 you have TBrowserURL, TDownloadURL and TSendMail under the standard Actions/Internet. It is as if you use the ShellExecute() command.
On my BCB5...
It is my understanding that vector can not be used to store controls like TWebBrowser.
TWebBrowser is a control and need the new keyword, however I could be wrong. I should explore to be sure. But it is not necessary, because the pagecontrol with their tab is as the same and much easier. Use...
After Navigate(..) or Navigate2(...) use (web is a pointer to TWebBrowse or TCppWebBrowse):
while (web->Busy) Application->ProcessMessage();
A webpage can possess multiple documents (for instance a page with frames)...thus otherwise multiple onDocumentComplete events will occur.
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