I took out the while loop and put in a disconnect, clear, and exit 42 commands at the end and they work great now, must of been the $carrier loop not exiting, seems like things are working well, thanks for pointing me in the right direction once again,
my capture files are being closed successfully, as for the transmit "^M", that is suppose to be an enter key, but im not sure if that is really neccessary. Thats a good point about not being exited properly, how would I go about disconnecting the connection and then exiting the script, it seems...
THis script is suppose to be called up after procomm connects to the Milton dam automatically throught procomm plus scheduler and the settings in the connection directory, here is the script:
proc main
string Name = "Milton.doc" ; Name of capture file to open.
set capture file...
yeah i don't think my scripts are not ending for some reason, in the connection directory i have set each dam to once connected run thier approriate script, the problem is that the script doesn't end it just appears to keep running and doesn't let another one start in the scheduler, I don't...
Another question for ya, I have set it up that each dam has its own script and it is set to automatically use after it connects, I want to be able to schedule my 10 dams to upload on monday morning. each one has a different connection and a different script it runs. i set it up in the scheduler...
Hey knobs, Thanks for sticking with me with this one, I think that was just what the code needed to capture all the data I want,
Thanks again for all your help, couldn't of done it without you,
after reading through some later posts, I have looked at the monitor window and noticed that this script, the capture always turns off at a certain part in the uploading data so I have attached the monitor window for you to see, looks like right around the blue 0D it turns the capture off.
when I try each of my dams that I have to upload and get the data from, The only one that works fully is the one that takes less than thirty seconds to upload all the data once connected? Could there been some time limit on the capture? or something? just thought I'd try to give as much info as...
Hey knob thanks for the help with the execute function seems to work pretty good. I am having one problem with when I go to test it and upload the data. The capture turns off within 40 seconds of being connected and I only get part of my data captured. Is there an easy way to tweak my script so...
Hey Knob, Thanks for the tip! should do the trick. I am just having trouble implementing the excute command into my script. The aspect help window only gives an example of an execute command where it asks the user what script they would like to run, I don't want this, how do I modify this to run...
Sorry for the confusion, the file is being captured in a continuous file that is edited in excel to remove any problem and then moved to another spreadsheet for archives.
basically what i need is to automate a script to go through the commands to upload a file with a sutron 8210 data logger...
I am wondering if it might be easier for me to just make a script that will waitfor "MM/DD/YYYY" and transmit "start date" that way it can be automated but i would just have to change this script every week. How can i call up a script to execute in another script??
I see, I don't really need to have a date specific capture file name, I'd rather just have the file omagh.doc updated every week with the new data, and then from there we can edit it if we need to. I'm getting errors for having NAME in the code when i insert the above line??
where would i...
Where i am noticing the difference is on the computer where it is working, when you go to record a macro and asks you what you would like to call it, and where you would like to store it--> it gives you the options to store it in the current workbook(book1.xls), a new workbook , or Personal...
How do I create a macro that is not specifically attached to a workbook but is stored somewhere that it would always be available to run when excel is open. I have been able to create a macro under a Personal Workbook when it gave me the choice but I am trying to do it on another computer and...
thanks for the reply!
I tried to put 7 in for idaysAgo put it didn't like that as an integer name, so i took out the whole line of
"param integer iDaysAgo". I tried to put a call function in the program to call the program when it needs to change the date, but haven't been unable to get it to...
Hello there, first time as a member here, just like to say thanks is greatly appreciated
I have been looking at some of the date changing info on this site and have not been able to implement it into my script that is suppose to get data every week by dialing up to the modem, but I am having...
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