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  1. unclecake2

    8020 Error on Web Server using Pervasive v8

    You were on the right track and it helped me solve the problem, so THANK YOU! I don't fully understand what solved it, but I added the w3btrv7.dll as a native module in IIS, but it broke it (503 error web page). I did it over and over (adding and removing the native module in IIS) trying...
  2. unclecake2

    8020 Error on Web Server using Pervasive v8

    I just created a text file in the (C:\PVSW\Bin\test.txt") folder and I was able to read it putting the complete path in. I would assume this would tell me that I have access to the folder.
  3. unclecake2

    8020 Error on Web Server using Pervasive v8

    Okay, it was my hope to hear from you! I assumed that your conclusion was my problem, but I don't know how to solve it with my lack of knowledge. I checked the path and I found that "C:\PVSW\bin" was already in the system path. It was my hope not to find it there and it would be an easy fix. I...
  4. unclecake2

    8020 Error on Web Server using Pervasive v8

    Yes, I know we are using old Pervasive v8 software, but it is what I have to work with for now. [sad] I have internal software that access our db (which works fine when installed on the server) and I made a web app that needs to access it as well. I have researched this and worked on it for days...
  5. unclecake2

    Create DDF

    It sounds like a step forward. I am very unknowledgeable about the Pervasive tools. Frankly, the one tools that I use are the pervasive Software Monitor Utility and one more when I am logged into the server, but I don't remember what it is at this point. I want to error on the side and I am not...
  6. unclecake2

    Create DDF

    That makes me feel a little better. I have been working with this DB for a lot of years being a this company for 17 years now. Not programming all of them, but most of them. With that being said, I will answer your questions with the best of my knowledge. - What interface do you use currently...
  7. unclecake2

    Create DDF

    I was looking at your web site earlier and it looked like you knowledgeable about Pervasive! The problem is, our set-up is different that most companies, I think. We actually don't use most of the tools. We create the files and dlls ourselves from files that define the fields, lengths, and data...
  8. unclecake2

    Create DDF

    It feels funny posting in a forum that isn't visited very much! I am trying to recreate some DDF files and I know all of the field information. I am looking for a builder that i can use to create the DDF if I enter the field information into it. Any suggestions? I am using v8, if that makes a...
  9. unclecake2

    Deployment Project Version 2005

    I am not so clear on some things. When I compile my project it produces some dlls. I then create a deployment project with the compiled dlls. I then have an .exe and a .msi file in my Release directory, which I normally put on the network. I then install that on the users computers. I am not...
  10. unclecake2

    Deployment Project Version 2005

    Hi, I have decided to build a custom update program for my programs. I have created a deployment project and it works fine as a stand alone install program. I want to update the program based upon the version number. My question is how do I get the version from a compiled deployment project to...
  11. unclecake2

    2005 Deployment Project, How to Update Program

    Thanks for the posts. I have one additional part that I forgot to say. The program is also ran locally on some of the user's laptops and use local data from tables. I built a deployment package to deploy it. One thing that I don't understand is why you can't use the click-once deployment...
  12. unclecake2

    2005 Deployment Project, How to Update Program

    Hi, I have a large program that I have installed on the computers in my office. When I have made updates in the past I have had to go and uninstall the current version and reinstall the new version. I am not really sure where to look, or the correct way to do it, but what I want to do is have...
  13. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    Well, I ended up figuring everything out thanks to all your help. It ended up being a little more simple in the end compared to how complicated it was at one point. I ended up using the BodyStream of the MQ. Thanks again for all of your help. -UC
  14. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    Yes, the XML works in the message box. (I will use the .Net MessageBox.Show.) I guess the only part now that I am struggling with is extracting the values from a received MQ message and if I am sending the XML correctly to the MQ. Have you used MSMQ before? I am sending the XML as a string to...
  15. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    Does this work for a memory stream? Below are the results that opened in the msgbox. Private Sub Button8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button8.Click Dim memory_stream As New MemoryStream() Dim writer As New...
  16. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    Okay, Now I am getting somewhere. This is the code that I used to build the file XML file below it. I couldn't get the MemoryStream to work yet, but I will keep on working on it. Now I guess for the big question. Do I use the memory stream and put it in the message queue and how do I get it to...
  17. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    tsuji, First off, thank you for the time that you are putting into this. Please excuse my lack of knowing what to write. I am having problems understanding how everything works. I will try to be real explicit in this post. My ultimate task is to receive a message in a message queue on the...
  18. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    I see the examples, and see how to write an XML file. Can I just build a string in VB and write it to the MQ? I did try it and it was encapsulated in <string> </string> tags.
  19. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    I am not sure how much of the big picture will help, but this is what I am trying to do with the files. I have a customer that is putting a file in the message queue that tells me to test accuracy of brackets on a seat. When the file is in the queue, I receive it in VB.Net, which communicates...
  20. unclecake2

    Message Queue

    Hi, I have been given the task of adding and receiving message queue messages (MSMQ) using VB.NET. I have been working on this for a few days, and I just don't get it. I have been given 4 different XSD files, I will post two of them below. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <xs:schema...

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