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Search results for query: *

  1. boflexson

    images with transparency in crystal reports with VS 2005

    Hi All, I have a Crystal Report in VS 2005, and I've added an image (png) that has a transparent background. The transparent portion shows up as solid white in the report however. Is there any way I can get this to work in CR ? Thanks in advance for your help. -Adam -Adam T. Courtney
  2. boflexson

    Drag Drop Shortcuts

    I can get the drop to fire, but can't seem to get any data out of it. -Adam T. Courtney
  3. boflexson

    Drag Drop Shortcuts

    I'm recieving drap drop events in my application. Files work just fine using the following: if(e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) ) {string[] files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); } But if I drag a shortcut, such as "My Documents", I can't get it to work. Any Ideas...
  4. boflexson

    XML doccumentation and crystal reports

    bump. anybody? -Adam T. Courtney
  5. boflexson

    XML doccumentation and crystal reports

    We use XML documentation in our C# project. but we are getting annoying warnings on all of our crystal reports that are in our project. is there a way to make the reports internal so these errors go away? I would put dummy comments on them but the crystal file has the following warning at the...
  6. boflexson

    Printing documenting wizard output

    The tree list and heirarchy dont view well in notepad. anyone know a better viewing tool. -Adam T. Courtney
  7. boflexson

    Handler on a non existant sub directory

    yes. but on top of a handler. -Adam T. Courtney
  8. boflexson

    Handler on a non existant sub directory

    If I make an HTTP handler factory. It picks up www.thesite.com/ just fine. but If I go to www.thesite.com/nonexistdir/ it does not pick it up. If I do www.thesite.com/nonexistdir/default.aspx then it picks it up. How can I get the handler to pick up the non existant sub directory without...
  9. boflexson

    File reading Speed

    What about the hard drives? or the bus that the hard drives are on? how big is the file that it is reading? maybe the file is all fragmented on the one machine. -Adam
  10. boflexson

    Catching events from word, multiple versions

    Here's my scenario and dilema. I have created an ActiveX control that executes inside of a web page. Inside this ActiveX control I open MS Word and feed it a downloaded document. Then on the BeforeSave event I save the document and post it to another web page. the Abbreviated code looks...
  11. boflexson

    ActiveX DLL...How to...???

    I am having a similiar problem, ever figure this out?
  12. boflexson

    Determine if app is running as GUI or Service

    I found this: Environment.UserInteraction -Adam T. Courtney
  13. boflexson

    Determine if app is running as GUI or Service

    I need some method to determine if the code that is executing in a GUI app or as a Windows Service. I have some code in a dll that will either present a message box (in gui mode) to the user, or write to the event log (in windows service mode). How can I tell which mode the code is executing...
  14. boflexson

    getting substring to start from right?

    REVERSE(CAST(SUBSTRING(REVERSE(NewIdentity), 5,2)AS VARCHAR)) If the Year is 4 digits, this should work. -bo -Adam T. Courtney
  15. boflexson

    Dear experts, Anyone knows how t

    Instead of using a listbox, try using a listview. With a listview (set to report mode) you can add many columns and have a header on each column. -Adam T. Courtney
  16. boflexson

    split a string into array?

    SELECT '<a QUAL=''' + QUAL.Value + ''' ID=''' + IDV.Value + ''' />' FROM ( SELECT * FROM dbo.Split('34343,555,22',',')) AS QUAL JOIN (SELECT * FROM dbo.Split('1,2,3',',')) AS IDV ON QUAL.IDX = IDV.IDX --Hope this helps -Adam T. Courtney
  17. boflexson

    split a string into array?

    nomi2000, Here is the split function I use: in the next post is the script to then do your query. -------------------------------------------- if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Split]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF')) drop function [dbo].[Split] GO SET...
  18. boflexson

    Complex Boolean Help

    Here is the sql script to generate a test table (TestBool) to help with the work: if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TestBool]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1) drop table [dbo].[TestBool] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestBool] ( [Id] [int] NOT NULL ...
  19. boflexson

    Complex Boolean Help

    Ok, this is tricky: Given the following example table: Id, SeqNum, BoolType, BoolValue 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 2, 1, 0 2, 1, 1, 1 2, 2, 1, 1 3, 1, 1, 1 3, 2, 0, 0 Id seperaties the entries, BoolType 1 = And, 2 = Or BoolValue 0 = False, 1 = True So For Id 1, we need to determine if it is true In...

Part and Inventory Search
