I have created the following in Access 2007 where I want ALL records from Hospital Addresses listed, whether or not there is a corresponding record in Hospital Contacts. All dropped records have no Hospital Contact record; but, I believe that is what my relationship type covers. Can anyone...
It was still blank if the percentage was 0. I had it give me "NA" if no potentials so that I could see exactly what was working and what wasn't. I ended up having to write it like this:
This gives me "NA" if there are no potentials and 0% if there...
I am dividing in my report and getting #NUM! results that I want to get rid of. I originally used the "Nz" statement to give me a 0% result where appropriate. Then, I found DHookum's advice to someone to use the following:
=IIf([Pot]=0," ",[Obtained]/[Pot])
Now, when I have 1 potential and...
Duh! Thank you, Duane. I was trying to pull in the Column instead of the row. I'm still not sure how all 17 of my consent types are going to show if a hospital only has a count on 4 of them; but, I'll play with it and see what I come up with.
Yes, and this is where I feel really dumb (or brain dead). I add available field "Jan".... it gives me the number for my first consent reason (whatever that may be). I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to tell "Jan" to list the 2nd - 17th reason count. Basically, it's my "intersecting...
Well, that didn't take long, lol. Your suggestion for the Query worked well; but, I still don't understand how to get the right data in my report. I have created labels for all of my month columns and my "Consent Reason" type rows. All types need to be listed, even if 0. I cannot figure out...
OMG! If you were here, I'd hug you! I didn't know you could do this; and, I never thought to switch my consent and Month. I went into Query Wizard to create my crosstab, thinking I would have to manually type in the MONTH statement. Then, I told it to COUNT my Call Date. It asked if I...
Gladly. I am pulling data from our "very outdated" database. We are an eye bank and I need to analyze, by hospital and month the following:
Total Deaths
Consent Status
Consent Status tells us if the family declined or consented or if we ruled out with verbage such as:
Declined by Fam - Our...
I had the Month in the select field before you directed me to the Crosstab with multiple values FAQ. I simply forgot to remove it.
I need the counts by Hospital, by Month for every column (including Link_Total). By the time you break down all of my different "Consent" reasons, I'm not sure...
I have the following code that works great (thanks Duane). I get columns such as "Declined Jan", "Obtained Jan", etc. However, my Link_Total doesn't have the month, which I need. Any ideas?
TRANSFORM Count([Qry_Orig].[Link]) AS [CountOfLink]
SELECT [Qry_Orig].Month, [Qry_Orig].Branch...
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