Dell - another stumper! Please help one last time as this one effects multiple graphs. Nothing works. And I can't upload the file - do you have an address I can send it to?
Technically, the build would not accomodate a separate chart for each LOB as the build for all previous charts are all...
Dell - almost! This provides a better visual, but what it now does with the 2nd and remaining LOBs is to chart the first month's value at zero - which is better than before, but I want to eliminate the first month from the 2nd LOB on and not have it plot zero - doing so gives the false...
Dell - this is awesome - thanks. Didn't have to change the select statement, and now, I have only one issue outstanding. My chart is done only in GH 1a which replicates the chart for each LOB (the group). It works fine on the first LOB, and it doesn't calculate a monthly growth for the first...
Dell - a follow up and mistake - I said the formula I referenced above returned the value for the most recent month, but it does not - nor does it return the first month's. It seems to be summing all months delinquencies and dividing them by all the months outstandings for an average of the 13...
Thanks again, Dell! The calculation to graph the change between each of the 13 mos is where I get stumped. My report is written with a SQL Command using the following where statement:
Loan_Master.FILEDATE >= dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, getdate())-13, 0)
Which ensures the report looks...
Thanks, Dell. I've actually tried that route before and what happens is that all 13 mos are graphed at the same value - the most recent month's. Here's the formula I am graphing:
Sum ({Command.Total_Past_Due_$},{@LOB}) %
Sum ({Command.Exposure_$},{@LOB})
I'm doing this on change of...
I have a chart I need to create that would show the changes between the monthly values of a field - call it loans. The chart will need to do this on a rolling 13 month basis. Anyone have any pointers to get me started? Thanks!
Ibass posted this response to someone asking a very similar question, but it isn't working for me - I need the formula to work at a group level that is determined by the formula LOB which is no more than:
ToText (Round({Command.Category}),0) + " - " +
lbass, thanks again for all of the ideas - even had a table created just with dates and did a left join and used that table as the corss tab column basis and it still didn't work (still only getting columns with data in them). Looks like we're off to manual corss tabs, but is there anything...
Ibass - oh so close - footnote worked fine though I had to make the last part of the formula -1 vs -2 (least of my concerns). Followed the corrections and it is still not forcing my cross-tab to show all months - especially those with 0 values which was the original goal. The detail section...
I follow the logic and even traced pieces of it to my Crystal XI book where I wasn't clear, but both formulas when placed in the section you instruct under "Suppress (No Drill Down)" result in the following error message that prevents the formulas from being accepted and any results from...
Ibass - again, great insight and what I thought but I should have more clearly stated the question - if my cross tab columns are currently determined by something akin to {}, my rows are by employee but each employee has multiple summarized fields, should I just choose one to represent...
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