Yes its a real 355A adapter, bought from some online site that another post referenced. I've opened it and it has a resistor or two inside.
I tried a straight through network cable from the SMDR port to the 355A connected to the serial port and when i try to connect, it doesn't return...
And thats the problem, once we connect, nothing flows in, just a blank terminal screen. Is there a master setting that enables or disables the SMDR, or is the SMDR always "on"?
I've tested the connections on the adapters and everythings coming into the right pins, just nothing shows up.
Tried that with a straight through network cable to the 355A adapter hooked to a 25 to 9 gender changer on a DB9 serial port using Com1 on HyperTerminal, just returns a blinking cursor once I make a connection.
We have an Avaya/Lucent Partner ACS system, Model 103G. I'm trying to get our SMDR to work and have had no luck so far. We purchased a 355A adapter and have both a 25 pin to 9 pin gender/size adapter and a null modem cable that I've tried to connect with. I've tried using HyperTerminal direct to...
We have an Avaya/Lucent Partner ACS system, Model 103G. I'm trying to get our SMDR to work and have had no luck so far. We purchased a 355A adapter and have both a 25 pin to 9 pin gender/size adapter and a null modem cable that I've tried to connect with. I've tried using HyperTerminal direct to...
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