Still having trouble!! The summary works great. BUT, my hierarchy is series->species->finish. I need:
top 3 finishes for each species. This works, thanks lbass.
total for each species within series.
total for each series. This works because it is just a total.
Report should look like:
Thought I would include more info. I break the code into its 2 parts successfully and store as Shared variables MaxFinish1 and MaxFinish2. In the subreport( placed in a second Species Group line) I have this code in the details section where C1, C2, and Colors are defined as "" in the subreport...
I figured out how to capture the finish group name - it wasn't hard once I knew what I was looking at. But, I am having trouble sending the code to the subreport to find the name ( I have done this as parameters, but not as shared variables before). Is there a trick with variables between...
OK, I got the summary working - many thanks!
However there is a 2nd part that I stayed away from until I saw what I could do with the grouping.
My finish color is actually a 4 character code consisting of 2 colors (2 characters each). I have successfully parsed them into the 2 codes and used a...
Here is the array of occurrences (it is in details section)
Shared Numbervar i; // counter
Shared Numbervar array fc; //series species finish count
If GroupName ({@Finish})<>"" Then
Local NumberVar r:= {VM_ORDER_LINES_AC_HS.QTY_ORDERED}; //quantity ordered
I am using 2 arrays. 1 array captures the groupname(finish name). The other captures occurrences of the groupname. I then find the max of occurrences and use my counter to find the corresponding finish name. The counter works and I can capture the occurrences, but I cannot capture the finish...
That did the trick. But, in later versions, is this not necessary? It seems that this is a little clunky of a work-around. I am asking because we are looking to upgrade and wondering if it is worth the effort.
I have a report that I would like to run current year data if this year is selected and historical year data (different tables) if a prior year is selected.
I figured the best way was to use a master report to collect the date ranges and generate the page headers and then use subreports for the...
I am very new to charts in Crystal - though I produced them in Access. My x-axis data is dates. I want the 12 full weeks prior to today (preferably the Sundays).
My y-data includes Order totals for these 12 weeks.
I would also like to show our target and breakeven points.
The dates I...
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