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Search results for query: *

  1. AJLoehr

    INSERT SQL giving me problems...

    I figured as much, but I looked up a reserved words list and didn't find it. Thanks for pointing out the brackets, I tested by putting [LEVEL] in brackets, but I think I'm going to change the fieldname just to be safe. Thanks again!
  2. AJLoehr

    INSERT SQL giving me problems...

    I thought it best to just show the results of the code because it looked too messy when I put it in a post. But then I forgot you could copy paste somewhere it would read better. If ADDchk = vbYes Then 'add user ADDsql = "INSERT INTO USERtbl...
  3. AJLoehr

    INSERT SQL giving me problems...

    yeah the error is Run-time error 3134: Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. I'm simply trying to submit field data from an unbound form to a table. I do a verification msgbox and when the user clicks Yes, I use this INSERT INTO statement, but it's not working.
  4. AJLoehr

    INSERT SQL giving me problems...

    what's wrong with this syntax? INSERT INTO USERtbl (EIDP,RANK,FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME,OFFICE,PHONE,EMAIL,LEVEL,RIGHTS) Values ('john.doe','Mr.','John','Doe',19,'318-555-5555','john.doe@gmail.com','Company','Admin') All fields are 'Text' except for Office which is a 'Number'. I thought maybe one...
  5. AJLoehr

    Firewall question...

    Everyone and their mothers are involved at this point. I'm not really trying to diagnose the problem. They've said it's a firewall issue. I'm just curious if it really can be a firewall issue or are they just feeding me a line. NOBODY can use the program right now. Not me, not any of the...
  6. AJLoehr

    Firewall question...

    Did I mention I'm just talking about logging on. I'm not talking about using the software. I understand a couple, 10 or even 100 testers can't possibly replicate the 1000's of users possible problems. I'm talking about accessing a website and logging on. Am I still being unreasonable for not...
  7. AJLoehr

    Firewall question...

    I appreciate the quick responses. Ok, I'll concede there could be issues with the firewall. But seriously 4 days and they can't figure it out. As to the size of the company, it doesn't reflect the number of users. There are probably 400-500k employees, but only 5-10k users of this service...
  8. AJLoehr

    Firewall question...

    This is a very generic question about firewalls, I'm sorry I don't have a lot of the specifics. I use an oracle based reports program to pull data from a server. The program I use is called Discoverer. Recently the server administrators updated the software and now I cannot log into the...
  9. AJLoehr

    docmd.movesize on popup forms

    Nevermind... On the frmMAIN, on the button that opens the frmREPORTS I had a couple lines of code. One pointed to something that I didn't think affected anything. But there was another line of docmd.movesize code and when I added the with forms!frmREPORTS it worked fine. Can I give myself...
  10. AJLoehr

    How do I place a lock a subform until a field in the header is compled

    I know you didn't ask for this answer, but you could make the program auto-assign the CSR's name based on a table. There is code on this site that pulls the NETID of whoever is logged on. For instance, I'm logged on my computer right now as "jeffrey.loehr". If your company uses a similar...
  11. AJLoehr

    docmd.movesize on popup forms

    I have 1 form (frmMAIN) set to Popup and Modal. On it, I have a button that opens another form (frmReports) also set to Popup and Modal. frmMAIN has the docmd.movesize var1, var2, 4800, 1400 frmMAIN also has a timer running on it and basically shows time on a label format(now(),"HH:NN:SS")...
  12. AJLoehr

    The Best And Simplest Way To Keep Track Of The Current User

    Are you users opening up the form on their own computer. Meaning if you are using this at work are all the users logged in with their network id. If so, you could use the network id to identify them and track them that way. Look up fosusername in a google search and you should find it. I'd...
  13. AJLoehr

    PKI Certificate

    Is there a way to use a PKI Certificate on an Access Form in order to get signature information. I don't want to steal the information, I want to use the information to digitally sign the document.
  14. AJLoehr

    Help my SQL please... simple SELECT with ISNULL

    I tried it and it still didn't work... let me give you the whole code: Dim DB As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim sevendaysql As String sevendaysql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM REDBALLtbl WHERE REDBALLtbl.CT = BETWEEN #" & Format(DateDiff("d", 7, Now()), "dd-mmm-yy") & "#...
  15. AJLoehr

    Help my SQL please... simple SELECT with ISNULL

    I am trying to pull all records from REDBALLtbl where REDBALLtbl.CT (date) is between today and 7 days prior to today PLUS (AND) REDBALLtbl.TT (text) is NULL. sevendaysql = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM REDBALLtbl WHERE REDBALLtbl.CT = BETWEEN " & Format(DateDiff("d", 7, Now()), "dd-mmm-yy") & " AND...
  16. AJLoehr

    Transparent Form Background

    Thank you very much... Sorry it took so long to reply. Been working on many different projects. I did test the code from the link from Migs01. It worked great. ~A.J.
  17. AJLoehr

    Transparent Form Background

    Just tried Transparent .gif.... Didn't work either =(
  18. AJLoehr

    Transparent Form Background

    Appreciate the attempt MajP... however it didn't work for me. My images with transparent backgrounds still showed as white. And even a Textbox I have .visible = false showed up white. That's weird. There were areas that were transparent though, anywhere that didn't have an object of anykind...
  19. AJLoehr

    Transparent Form Background

    No I haven't tried a .gif. I thought if a .png wouldn't work... neither would a .gif or .bmp. But I guess that (although it may be right) is a stupid way of looking at it. I'll try some more file types before giving up on the idea. Thanks for the reminder.
  20. AJLoehr

    Transparent Form Background

    Ok, first off... I know this topic has been discussed probably more than any other topic EVER. But I still can't find any code to work. I'm using Windows XP (at work we use Vista mainly and some XP). I'm building the program in Access 2007. Here is the code I found... sorry no references...

Part and Inventory Search
