I have a form and a subform on it. There are some text boxes and combo boxes on the form. The subform's record source is a query which pulls data from a table based on the user inputs in the text boxes/combo boxes. There is a Find button which just requries the sub form source so that it can...
There is one more problem I cannot figure out. I want to verify the username and password on the main screen.
1) How do I make the whole Access project to open to the username and passwrod screen.
2) I am using the code below to open the main form if the passwrod is correct ->
I am really sorry for ambiguity. I want a find function which can find information from a database.
Database ->
Forename Surname Status
Mary Able 1
Joe Bloggs 2
Fred Candy 2
Mary Able 3
I understood what you are saying and I just now tried it. But it doesnt seem to work :(.
Just to be sure I went ahead and added some more constraints:
SELECT tblInvestmentManager.*
FROM tblInvestmentManager
WHERE (((tblInvestmentManager.ManagerName) Like ("*" &...
Please check out the screen shot of the screen that I have. You are exactly on the right track. So are you suggesting that I have "**" as the default. So if the user puts in any value instead of default the default would allow you to select the desired records.
I tried it before. It wouldn't make sense because the user can input any one of the inputs and get the output. If I mention And the user will never get the record because he will have to input all the input fields to get the particular record. I hope I am not confusing others, coz I have surely...
And my default for the text and combo boxes is "Nil". There is no record in the table tblInvestmentManager with the value "Nil". Thus with the default value when I click on Find button it does not change the recordset and gives me a full record set.
There are no errors. But the output on the subform gives all the records and not the filtered set of records.
Also the Find button click function looks like this:
Private Sub FindRecord_Click()
End Sub
Now there is this problem which is driving me crazy. I just dont see any problem with it.
I have a form and a subform on it. The subform's record source is a query which pulls data from a table. There are some text boxes and combo boxes on the form and based on the inputs given by the...
The above problem has been solved. Now I have another problem.
I want to have a sub form and want the record source to be a query. I also have an Attachment type variable. I am getting all the fields correctly except the Attachment field using the query. Please let me know how is this possible...
I have one more doubt:
I have a form that has text boxes which are bound to 2 seperate tables. I have written a macro to insert records in one table, but cant figure out a way to populate the other table. (1st table is the one with which the form is linked). I am trying to use the RunCode in...
I really apologize if my doubts are really basic, but here come another one:
I want to reset the Sub Category combobox if the selection in the Main Category Combo box is deselected.
So I added this condition:
If Me!AddStrategyMainCategory.Value is Null Then
hey Remou: I finally figured it out:
AddStrategySubCategory.RowSource = "SELECT tblStrategy.[Sub_category] " _
& "FROM tblStrategy " _
& "Where tblStrategy.Main_category = '" & Me!AddStrategyMainCategory.Value _
& "' ORDER BY tblStrategy.[Sub_category]"
gave me the right...
The actual location of the combo boxes is, if it helps:
Detail1 > TabControl > Add > Combo box
where Detail1 - Form
TabControl - Tab Control
Add - Name of the tab
The combo boxes are on the tab control which are on the Form, so the forms were open when I chose a value from the Main Category combobox and when I click on the Sub Category combo box, a textbox pops up asking the value of Forms![Detail]!AddStrategyMainCategory, which it shoould infact pick up...
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