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  1. joshguan


    on read, only last haft of response show up. how i fix it, anyone help.
  2. joshguan

    Aloha terminal System date Keeps advancing 1 day triggering EOD.

    Make sure the terminal Date match BOH Date and Time. All the terminal Aloha.ini and Boh Aloha.ini DOB are match (data folder and Newdata folder). restart terminal. do you force EOD. and Do Not Refresh Data. Let the Aloha EOD.
  3. joshguan

    Aloha lab

    Why aloha? it is a good and outdate system. very difficult to work on unless you are AlohaRoss (he is good and spend a lot of year to working on Aloha).
  4. joshguan

    End of life for Aloha 6.5 and lower versions

    AlohaRoss, Need files to update. can you help?
  5. joshguan

    Aloha 6.7

    6.7 is going delist on pci comply as early as December 2017
  6. joshguan


    Well, .net 2012 is install otherwise it won't run. I don't have autoupdate. may be I can call on you to fix the problem
  7. joshguan


    Hi, I've copy the EDCSEC.dll, EDCSVR.dll, EDCSVR.exe, EDCSVR.UPCLINT.INTERROP.dll, EDCSVRPS.dll to the bin folder, and drop the vxnapi.dll also, all verion 14.1.21 but still get the error VXN62 Any Advice
  8. joshguan

    Radiant KDS

    Anyone can show me how to load the RadVidServer_x86 to the controller, I don't get the black screen and the Radvidsetup won't work
  9. joshguan

    radiant kds

    coorsman, can you post the rad%20video.doc again thanks
  10. joshguan

    radiant kds ip

    Get a radiant KDS controller from Ebay to replace the one broken, Can Anyone tell me how to change IP on that. Thanks
  11. joshguan

    How I make Open Food button (with any price) with alohaqs

    I try to make a OpenFood button, so I can assign any price with it. Can anyone give me a hint
  12. joshguan

    google map api and intraweb

    Is anyone know how to use google map api within delphi intraweb
  13. joshguan

    Aloha/ can not open comport 3 status 1

    go to that terminal disable the print spool, may be it works
  14. joshguan

    How to setup Logic Control LM3000 KDS with AlohaQs

    I got a set of LogicControl LM3000,(1 controller, 3 I/O, 2 bumpbar) try to set up with AlohaQS V.5.23, Anyone can give me some advice how to set it up.
  15. joshguan

    Aloha QS: Easiest way to split checks?

    well, I will upgrade to 6 thanks
  16. joshguan

    ALOHA POS failed to open com port

    1. On the BOH computer, open AlohaMgr 2. <Maintence><hardware><Terminals> see how may are there. And check what is the name of terminal (e.g. term1) 3. the BOH computer workgroup name : IBERTEC 4. IP address : 5. Computer name : alohaboh 6. <Ulitities><Refresh Data> <Yes> 7. Set up...
  17. joshguan

    ALOHA POS failed to open com port

    goto <maintance><hardware><printer> do see any printer on the list. for example: 001 Rprt1 something like that. the master password only apply on login AlohaMgr. goto<maintance><hardware><terminal> select the terminal# it should be type as "clone" and is a order entry terminal. for I know...
  18. joshguan

    ALOHA POS failed to open com port

    check the <Maintance><hardware><Terminal> all the tab and setting. check the <Maintance><hardware><cashdraw> all the setting check the <Maintance><hardware><printers> all the setting the <printer group> setting just to tell how you want to print to the printer.
  19. joshguan

    ALOHA POS failed to open com port

    how to delete the printer? I believed under Aloha, the regular manager access right cannot delete the printer (unless you have the master Password), you only can edit and change the config just go to BOH, <maintaince><hardware><printers> see any pirnter are assigned to the terminal and port...
  20. joshguan

    ALOHA POS failed to open com port

    rosemarybaby is right, you need to check all the terminal, printer setting accordingly, also on the BOH computer has all terminal user account.

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