I think I've cracked it! Well I hope so anyway.
I think some of my data had been corrupted by users deleting stored values in a field. This did not make the stored value null, hence the error. Due to this I think I had some records that appeared to be null but actually weren't. I exported the...
When the form is opened everything works fine. Changing the recordsource, calculated controls and the filters are all ok. Could the speed of retrieving the data over a network be the problem between the front and back ends? Basically, if it takes too long it doesn't bother?
Sometimes the...
This is confusing me. I'm getting #Error in some calculated controls. An unbound combo box updates the RecordSource of my form (Alters the WHERE part of the SQL) but does not always do it withouth producing the #Error. I've tried requerying, refreshing even setting the RecordSource to...
I'm completely self taught ( I can hear you groan) and I'm sure there must be an easier way to do this. When I first started my project the simple Select Case function did just the job. But then as my users demanded more and more options my select case became nested and grew very quickly...
Genius! You've saved me hours of ponderment! I really must do a course sometime but alas as a humble teacher I have no time.
Sometimes the answer stares you right in the face!!!
I've written the following module and when i call it from a button i get a compile error, it expects an =, and i'm not sure why! Any ideas?
Public Function WhichWeek(WeekDate As Date, FirstDate As Date, LastDate As Date)
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim dteDate As Date
I think your right; I'm fighting normalization, not intentionally, but due to my lack of understanding. I think I'm beginning to see/understand how your latest post reaffirms your original design. Ok, I'll give it my best shot!
Many thanks for your assistance in further my knowledge...
Thanks fneily, I REALLY appreciate your help.
Since your post I have now reread, and then read again the Fundamentals of Relational Database Design Document. I think things are starting to sink in. My delay in responding is because I've been thinking about what you said. I have attached a...
I'm sure I'm one of the users of this forum that is not very popular as I'm completely self taught! As a result I have left learning about normalization to last. I know, I know, after reading MANY articles today i now realise how stupid i've been. I think I now have a basic...
Thanks guys. All my data is fine, as i said it was just this one form. I don't want to sound mean but i'm glad others have experienced it too. The form won't even open in design view but is still visible in the form list. I agree with you guys that a deletion and recreation is in order. As...
I've almost finished creating a form. I have saved it many times before with no problems. As i was updating my form i saved it and was told that there was not enough memory to do so. I then had to exit access. On reopening, the form is there but when i try to open it it does nothing...
Thanks for your advice.
I have read the article and tried my best to use it to help. I agree with your normalization, just need to persevere with the relationships.
Sometimes the answer stares you right in the face!!!
I've been asked to create a database for a friend to help him run his Fantasy Football League.
I'm not new to access though I am having problems with structuring my database.
So far I have two tables, one with all the football players in. Containing their ID, Name, Postion, Club...
Sorry Guys, sorted it! If anyone wants closure:
Each time you use the preposted code the control loses focus so access is unsure what to filter by. With a bit of thinking I replaced
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 2, , acMenuVer70
Ok, this is confusing me. I have a database that i need to disable menus etc in order to not confuse my users. One of which is filter by selection. I have used the button wizard to create a filter by selection button. This button does not work on my form but the filter by selection in the...
Sorry!!! I'm a muppet! I counted the values wrongly, the original answer of 8 was incorrect but the new value of 3 is correct. Your code was still better than mine, many thanks!
Thanks pwise
I have tried your suggestion and it now returns the value of 3. As i said earlier the value should be 8, is it a coincidence that the number i want in the difference of the numbers returned?
Thanks for replying :-)
Hi I'm trying to count some values from a table to display in a textbox. This is the vba code i am using.
Me.Ctl4bP2.ControlSource = "=DCount(""[2007]![MathsSum1]"", ""[2007]"", ""[2007]![MathsSum1]='4b' AND [2008]![Year]='Year 6'"")"
It returns a value of 8 but when i count them myself...
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