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Search results for query: *

  1. blurworld

    Novice, need help with understanding "Sniffer" on wireless

    In the "Sniffer portable field service" program why does my host table shows a very large number of stations when connecting to the internet through a wireless router (i am on the only client station), yet when connecting via ethernet it only shows "this station", "cisco 6B...", "broadcast"...
  2. blurworld

    Is the wireless CLIENT secure?

    thanks Russell, but im not using WEP - im using WPA2 Personal settings.
  3. blurworld

    Is the wireless CLIENT secure?

    Thank you, That eases my mind but only a little. In the Advanced Tab of the wireless connection I have set the connection to "networks to access:" "access point networks only", but then this still doesnt *stipulate* that any wireless networks cant access me! - but maybe its meant to mean that...
  4. blurworld

    Is the wireless CLIENT secure?

    Hi, This may be a daft question.... :) I cant get my head around the fact that other users cant "plugin" and access my wireless connection directly I have everything set-up with WPA2 and i believe the "network" is secure....the "network" at the moment really only consists of a cable modem and...
  5. blurworld

    Terminal Server implementation of 'Split' Database SLOW

    Hi If front and back end of database is accessed on the desktop of a Terminal Server session - it runs fast. If the back-end is on Domain Controller then it runs slow. Any ideas? Thank you -Martin
  6. blurworld

    View User Log-on's to Win 2000 (Terminal) Server

    Hi How about a logfile of previous log-ons history... Happy New Year! -Martin
  7. blurworld

    View User Log-on's to Win 2000 (Terminal) Server

    HI How do i... View User Log-on's to Win 2000 (Terminal) Server? cheers! happy new year! -Martin
  8. blurworld

    Using a front end/back end with Terminal Server

    Hi On the subject of FE/BE and corruption as they are in-fact related... The database was running fast when it was all one FE and BE together held on the W2K Domain Controller. I split the database as the database was corrupting, and i have read that this can help, the database no longer...
  9. blurworld

    Using a front end/back end with Terminal Server

    Hi I'm having the same problem as "lancelotnz"... Did you find a way to overcome this problem? Thanx -Martin
  10. blurworld

    Extract 4 characters of each word in a multiple word field

    Hi How do i .... Extract the first 4 characters of each word in a multiple word field i.e. If i had a name DAVID JONES I want it to become.... DAVIJONE or FOX TELEVISION would become FOXTELE Thanx for your help! -Martin
  11. blurworld

    Refer to Columns in Word User Form

    Hi I have a MS Word User Form with a listbox, how do i populate it with rows of data (from access) with 2 columns - i know how to/can do it with 1 column... i.e. Set oRecordSet = oDatabase.OpenRecordset("Customers") 'add company names to lbExistingCustomers listbox With...
  12. blurworld

    Create new records based on all existing data

    Hi This Sounds easy but doesn't seem to be :) How do I automaticly create "Order-Lines" for ALL products in the products table, so that you do not have to select the product for each order-line (i.e. its already entered). Cheers. -Martin
  13. blurworld

    data from access to word

    Hi peeps! Does anyone know how to do this - i thought it would be easy but nothing is :),,, - how do send a value from a current textbox on a access form into Word (preferably into another textbox on a VBA form in word). i managed to get as far as opening the required document in word... then...
  14. blurworld

    Sub report not showing if no results

    Nope - that doesn't work! i still get #error - seems the subreports properties are not even available when the subreport contains no records - therefore i don;t see how i can determine if there are no records (easily) in the subreport - what should i do?
  15. blurworld

    Sub report not showing if no results

    Hi A subreport can return no results (but is then not shown at all!!!) whilst the main report does return results and is shown. Therefore when i try to calculate a total from that subreports i.e. 0, as it hasn;t returned any reults - i cannot as i cannot get that fact,,, How can i know when no...
  16. blurworld

    error: provider cannot be found

    Hi, After running the following below in vb6 i get... "Run-time error '3706' Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed." with "recPerson.Open strSQL, strConnect" then highligted in the debug... what am i doing wrong? any ideas thanx -Martin Public...
  17. blurworld

    Provider for Database not found?

    After running the following below in vb6 i get... "Run-time error '3706' Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed." with recPerson.Open strSQL, strConnect then highligted in the debug... what am i doing wrong? thanx -Martin Public Sub Load(SSN As String)...
  18. blurworld

    Create a simple PERSISTENT VB 'Object'

    hi again haha and how do i do that - i'm new to VB - what does the statement look like and do i need to setup a ADO recordsouce et al. i know how to do that using the object that comes with VB but what about using objects.... thanx Martin
  19. blurworld

    Create a simple PERSISTENT VB 'Object'

    hi i know that :) but how do i do it -Martin
  20. blurworld

    Create a simple PERSISTENT VB 'Object'

    Hi I've searched high and low but cannot find how to create a simple persistent vb 'object' i.e. those that will save to somewhere (i don't care if its a file or database) can anyone give me some source code to create one that is persistent. thanx -Martin

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