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Search results for query: *

  1. SBelyea

    Add selected record from one table to another (append query?)

    Gentlemen, thanks for all of the assistance. It was actually a silly syntax error on my part (missing two apostrophes) that prevented it from working. All is well now! Thanks again!
  2. SBelyea

    Add selected record from one table to another (append query?)

    Hi everyone - Here's the current situation: I have a form which has two subforms. Subform A is a list of all the ongoing projects (the subform source is a table). Subform B is a list of the projects associated to a specific manager (subform source is also a table). I'm trying to allow the...
  3. SBelyea

    _Global References Nightmare - MS Access & Excel VBA

    Skip, Bubba and PHV - Thanks for all of your help on this. With the knowledge from PHV that I had to qualify all of my ojects and the examples of bubba and Skip, I've been able to fix my code! I'm quite a babe in the woods when it comes to VBA, but this has been a terrific learning experience...
  4. SBelyea

    _Global References Nightmare - MS Access & Excel VBA

    Skip, thanks for the clarification! Most of the code in this function was created by recording macros in Excel, and then plugging the resulting code into this function (which is probably why I'm having so many problems). I'm currently going through my code and trying to apply the method you...
  5. SBelyea

    _Global References Nightmare - MS Access & Excel VBA

    Hi PHV, thanks for the heads up! I'm still trying to wrap my head around the excel object model, so please bear with me.. I went through and added "objSheet." in front of the first set of "Range" lines - this seems to work fine, and I don't get an error on those the second time I run it. The...
  6. SBelyea

    _Global References Nightmare - MS Access & Excel VBA

    Hey everyone - As always, thanks in advance for any help or insight tek-tips and its community can provide me. First the problem, then some background. When running the code below, I will get a _Global reference error every other time. Background: One of the functions of my Access database...
  7. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Thanks again for the clarification, HarleyQuinn. You're a terrific resource for this, and I really appreciate all of the assistance you've provided! :-)
  8. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    HarleyQuinn, a final question (my apologies for this growing post)! After reading more about RegExp and its properties, I am curious as to if ".MultiLine = True" is necessary - doesn't ".Global = True" make RegEx search the entire string? To double check my assumption, I tested the code with...
  9. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    HarleyQuinn, thanks for the clarification! You'll be proud - for some reason in the Comment string, one of the lines had the date and time without the preceding 0s for the month and hour (not sure how this happened, this is the only occurence in all of the comment strings I've checked). To...
  10. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Thanks for the information everyone! My only point of confusion with the code is the "lazy plus", or +?. To make sure I'm understanding this correctly in the context of the code, the \D+? starts after the pattern search finds the time (20:15:08), and the pattern skips ahead until it finds...
  11. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Absolutely AMAZING. :-D Remou and HarleyQuinn, thank you both for your help on this. Harley, the code worked like a charm - I'm not sure why it didn't work the first time I tried putting it into a module, but it certainly works now! HarleyQuinn - within the code you wrote, my biggest...
  12. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Hopefully a simple question (which makes rather clear my ineptness)! When I attempt to run my query with HarleyQuinn's code, with a field of the query called Rejection Date: GetRejectedDates(), I receive an error stating: Undefined function "GetRejectedDates" in expressin I created a module...
  13. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Thank you both for the assistance! I'll be testing them out this morning to see if they work. I'm relatively inexperienced at VB and VBA, but had actually read about Regular Expressions last night on the wikibook for VB6 - what a coincidence (although I'm sure I'm still years away from...
  14. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Thanks for the quick response Remou! The phrase is only seperated by a colon<space> when it is REJECTED 05/13/2001 21:41:00 GMT - John Doe - REJECTED: Otherwise, there are hyphens before and after the name. 05/05/2002 20:50:29 GMT-Roger Dodger-Looks good, all smiles here. Does this answer...
  15. SBelyea

    Difficult parsing of text

    Hi tek-tippers - I've got an interesting parsing situation here, and I'm hoping that this group may be able to help me out. Within Access, I have a text field whose contents look something like this: 05/13/2001 21:41:00 GMT - John Doe - REJECTED: Something is not right. 05/05/2002 20:50:29...
  16. SBelyea

    Using VB to save an excel spreadsheet

    GhostWolf - I think I was just putting the wrong data in there. I had tried it with the following: objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs excelPath, "fileformat:=56" objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs excelPath, fileformat:=56 ..and discovered that the proper syntax for it is (using the proper file...
  17. SBelyea

    Using VB to save an excel spreadsheet

    Hey everyone - I've got a script that cleans up a spreadsheet I have, but am running into trouble when I try to save it. The source that I get the spreadsheet from saves it in a format that, while it says its .xls, isn't really .xls. I can open the spreadsheet fine and do all of the cleaning...
  18. SBelyea

    Suppress Outlook Security Message

    Hey Knicks: Here's the code I used in my database: Public Function Sendtxt() As String 'Original code by Jeremiah31 from Tek-Tips 'Modifications made by SBelyea from Tek-Tips Dim I As Integer Dim FileNum As Integer Dim FileNameAndPath As String Dim OutputLine As String Dim Sender As String...
  19. SBelyea

    Suppress Outlook Security Message

    Knicks - Depending on how friendly your IT department is (and how feasible this is - I work for a small town and it is a viable option - may not be for a large corporation), you could try having Access output a .eml file that Exchange can automatically send. You simply need to tell Access to...
  20. SBelyea

    Exporting query into multiple text files

    Jeremiah - Just wanted to give a shout out - your code helped me solve a problem I had (with a few modications). Thanks!

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