Dear Mark,
I've checked the robocopy and its working well, and I've configured it to take a copy once an n changes happen, but it is a command line software. do I have to keep the command line prompt open in my server??, coz i tried to close the command line and nothing has been copied...
Hi All,
I've configured my Outlook to POP3 protocol for a remote exchange server, the problem is that I am unable to retrieve the address book, while I can see it if I used the OWA-"Outlook Web Access" is there any procedure to retrieve the address book to there.
Thanks in Advance
Good Day All,
I have a LAN network, and I am trying to have a copy f a file on one of the PC's up-to-date on my Server, Such as a PST file...for backup wise
Eng. Atheer
Eng. Atheer Al Attar
Good Day All,
I have Win 2003 Server, and when I am trying to get it up to date i got the "Downloading Updates..." but it still frozen that way forever...any one can give hand in this..
Eng. Atheer Al Attar
Thank you very much LawnBoy, this had solved the problem, I found that there is No letters been asigned to my USB hard, but i am wondering why this issue happening in Win 2003 Server Only.....
Eng. Atheer Al Attar
Cheers all,
I have a win 2003 Server PC, the problem is that I have a USB Hard Drive and when I attach this Hard or any other USB attached Storage device I cannot use them, Yes I can see its icon appeared at the system tray, but I found nothing in my computer window...Nothing at all....has any...
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