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  1. monkhandle

    make error #1

    try adding following line to fsoc_main.cpp and execute make again #include <string.h> Considering warnings and errors given by compiler I don't have much confidence in code quality tho
  2. monkhandle

    Why am I getting segmentation fault?

    Um, you need to terminate program properly by calling exit system call. Use same 3 lines at end as in your second example. What are you trying to achieve actually?
  3. monkhandle

    Calculating Percentages

    Meh sorry, I thought both cCount and totalCount were integers.
  4. monkhandle

    Calculating Percentages

    If he only needs integer part, he can simply use percent = 100*cCount/totalCount; and he will get whole part
  5. monkhandle


    Also you made some other errors: long k; int era; scanf("%d",era); scanf("%l",k); You should use address-of here: scanf("%d",&era); scanf("%l",&k);
  6. monkhandle

    Can I call web service from C program?

    I found this, might help (never tried tho), so that you don't have to deal with everything from scratch :) http://webscripts.softpedia.com/script/Development-Scripts-js/C-C-Library/wsdlpull-45545.html
  7. monkhandle

    Can I call web service from C program?

    From client's side Web service is just a HTTP request&response with bloated encoding of parameters and results. You need http client, xml writer/reader, soap envelope & bit of good old socket mess (and of course specs of web service - wsdl file). (network spying on HTTP port also helps -...
  8. monkhandle

    (s)printf width and utf-8

    That doesn't work, but: wprintf(L"'%4S'",L"€"); outputs: ' EUR' :D Probably locales are not set properly. But still, why € symbol is output correctly with printf then ?
  9. monkhandle

    (s)printf width and utf-8

    Is this proper behaviour of printf family functions: printf("'%4s'","€"); output: ' €' Shouldn't output be ' €' ? It seems as if all bytes (3 for euro symbol) were counted as visible field width.
  10. monkhandle

    I just don't get it

    Should be: 1. no period after namespace keyword 2. class, not Class 3. WriteLine, not Writeline 4. ReadLine, not Readline
  11. monkhandle

    device proxy, serial port spy

    Thanks for answer, but I already tried all those 3, but these do not do what I want. jpnevulator and ttylog are just end applications that read/write from serial port ,they are not really spies. And Snooper is not usable for me, cause I only have one port.
  12. monkhandle

    device proxy, serial port spy

    How could I proxy IO data (or even control data) from one to another device transparently? I need to spy traffic on serial port: linux application <-> proxy device (writes all IO data to file besides proxying) <-> serial device (/dev/ttyS0) I searched on inet, found nothing like this. What...
  13. monkhandle

    HELP Boot loader

    Google is your friend: http://www.omninerd.com/articles/PC_Bootstrap_Loader_Programming_Tutorial_in_ASM http://www.viralpatel.net/taj/tutorial/hello_world_bootloader.php http://organicdesign.co.nz/Writing_a_boot_loader_in_assembler
  14. monkhandle

    External DLL not recognized again

    I never needed that, but I imagine you need to consume .net methods as COM objects. This links might be useful: http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/thread-1225474.php http://www.codeproject.com/KB/COM/COM_DOTNET_INTEROP.aspx But I would avoid mixing .net and native if possible.
  15. monkhandle

    External DLL not recognized.

    You can't reference native binaries like that in .net. You can use pinvoke calls to call your function in native dll. Search msdn or google for pinvoke example...
  16. monkhandle

    C# Serial Communication RS232

    Some devices expect DTR signal line to be on. Try enabling DTR at opening port...
  17. monkhandle

    Perpetual rebuilds

    C# doesn't have classic intermediate files, so all sources (in same project) must be compiled each time, even if only one of them was changed. For entire solution (when more dependant projects) only projects that are dependant on changes, are rebuilt. However, VS and C# Express are notoriously...
  18. monkhandle

    High resolution graphics in asm, without banks

    If I recall correctly (long time ago since I was coding such stuff): 1. DMA cannot be used for memory-memory transfers on PCs. 2. To use linear access to gfx, you need: Vesa 2.0 compatible gfx card and 32-bit protected mode environment. I think I used some pmode extender and switching to...
  19. monkhandle

    Is C good for prallel programming and graphics?

    To use per-core parallelism, you need library that supports threading. I recommend SDL: http://www.libsdl.org/ It is widely used free cross-platform C library that (besides lots of other things) also provides threading and graphics support (native 2D and opengl 3D) For low-level...
  20. monkhandle

    Writing to Serial ports

    It is written on bottom of those MSDN pages: Header -------- Declared in WinBase.h; include Windows.h. Library ------- Use Kernel32.lib. DLL ---- Requires Kernel32.dll. Windows compilers usually link kernel.lib by default so you only have to #include <windows.h> and start using those...

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